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Friday, March 23rd, 2001 - Blackout!

    You guessed it. Last night, while David was playing Warcraft on my laptop over at my house, everything went dark. Everything but Warcraft, that is. Laptops have a battery, which is fortunate, as otherwise I would've been much more upset when the first flashlight I found didn't work. At least I had the gentle glow of the iBook to guide me.

    David commented briefly ("Huh. Blackout.") and went back to slaughtering Orcs on the screen. It's a good thing he doesn't own that game; he came over to get rid of some of his recycling, supposedly, but the first thing he did when he walked in my room was pick up the CD and ask how to load it up.

    Anyway, the blackout and the slaughter went on around me while I dug out all my lovely candle holders and tea lights and started spreading the gentle glow of fire throughout the room. I had been reading the end of Midnight Robber (which was just such a satisfying read), but in the dim light I chose to watch David play; my wrists don't let me play a lot of computer games these days, so I have to get my thrills vicariously.

    We ended up sitting in the dark longer than the blackout, as I had unplugged everything for fear of power surge and didn't know when the lights came back on. What was most annoying was when the lights went out AGAIN a half an hour later, right when I was flossing my teeth.

    It's been interesting, reading Nalo Hopkinson's books on the bus. I think the middle school kids on my bus are surprised to see a white girl reading a book with brown people on the cover. Brown people who are OBVIOUSLY the main characters of the books. It helps that Nalo's covers are very colorful and catch the eye. But I've seen more than one kid crane her neck sideways, check out the cover, then look me in the face, then back at the cover again. I wish I had extra copies and could afford to hand each one a book, saying, "here, this is such a good read".

Exercise log:

Gently, with very light (5lb) weights I did some chest and triceps. I have to be so careful with my right arm! 15 min on the Precor.

Writing log:

Cat Enchanter is now on version 7.15. I also got my Clarion Application in. Huzzah! Now if I will just sleep until I hear . . .

I'm currently reading:

Midnight Robber by Nalo Hopkinson

The Start of the End of it All by Carol Emshwiller

Reading off and on:

Unlocking the Air and other stories by Ursula K. LeGuin

Starlight 2 anthology edited by Patrick Nielsen Hayden

My new PO Box is:

Heather Shaw
P.O. Box 13222
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222

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