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I bought this hat 3 1/2 years ago at Northern Renaissance Faire from The Bag Lady. When I went back two years later to thank her for making such a wonderful hat, and to pass on some of the compliments I get on it, she grumbled at me. Hell, I'm not sure if she even acknowledged me that much. Perhaps she was having a bad day, but you'd think such a compliment would make her smile, or at least say "thank you", but no. Still, this is the info I give the admirer's of my hat. I feel bad, as most of these folk will probably never be able to track down the Bag Lady. A few people I have sent to Other Change of Hobbit, where the rude clerk claims to be friends with the Bag Lady. Perhaps he can direct them to her next gig, or her mail order, or whatever. Anyway, that's not really what I wanted to chat about today. Honestly, I just wanted to coverup that late-night entry which proves how bad my spelling and grammar can get (though I think I fixed most of it by now, thanks David). I tried to schedule some social stuff this weekend, but not much actually got firmed up into plans. That's ok, as I have lots of stuff to do. I don't think I've organized my room in weeks and weeks. And I have an article to write, today, so I'm sure to procrastinate and finally get some cleaning done. Sigh. So much of my life seems to be me playing mind tricks on myself to get things done. I'd love to work this into a story, but the version I started of it a few years ago seems to have stalled the idea neatly. Perhaps I'll revisit it, but I can't right now; any writing should be on this Beltane article. Speaking of, I should really get back to work on that. Chat with you all later. | Exercise log:I've been very good about stretching. Well, it's something.Writing log:Researching my Beltane article, but not in the fun way. Sigh.I'm currently reading:Some of my poetry books I have around here; Tim, this is your fault ;-)Whispers from the Cotton Tree Root edited by Nalo Hopkinson
Reading off and on: Unlocking the Air and other stories by Ursula K. LeGuin Starlight 2
anthology edited by Patrick Nielsen Hayden My new PO Box is: Heather Shaw |
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