Cafe Rambleflower

Wednesday, March 19th, 2003 - Beer and Lavender

So, first off, the war. I guess you can say I'm "pro peace" mainly because the thought of going to war makes me cry. I don't know enough to make a serious case for or against, and while I try to read up on stuff, I'm not reading enough and I don't know if I could. I do take things such as Career diplomat John Brady Kiesling resigning over US policy in Iraq seriously, and it strengthens my feeling that this war is not the smartest course of action.

But, you want to know what really pisses me off? Pro-war Americans calling other Americans who oppose the war "un-American". There is nothing un-American about peaceful protesting of a war one doesn't agree with; in fact, it's one of our rights as Americans, this whole free speech idea that seems to be slipping away slowly but surely . . . And as far as the accusation that to be against the war means to not support our troops, I quote former British House Commons Leader Robin Cook in his resignation speech in the House of Commons:

"It is entirely legitimate to support our troops while seeking an alternative to the conflict that will put those troops at risk."

Anyway, it's been pissing me off and there, I said it.

And don't get me started on this whole French thing. I'm not going to start Freedom kissing anytime soon, thank you.

I really didn't mean for this to be a political entry, though.

The weekend was ok, despite me being horribly depressed for no real reason (save impending war). Had a good time at Susan's celebration for passing her exams. I did get a little tired of cupping my hands around my ears and leaning in to try and hear people over the din of the bar, but that's mostly just me and my old age creeping up on me. There were very cool people there, and I had fun talking to everyone.

The next day, I worried about what stupid things I might have said. I don't think I actually said anything too stupid, but it was the depression setting in. Sigh. I spent much of Sunday in tears, sobbing, and Tim was amazing, cuddling me and being way more understanding than I expected him to be (don't get me wrong -- Tim's wonderful -- it's just that the crying wasn't stopping and he was still nice about it!). Anyway, we finally dragged ourselves out of the house, which seemed to help immensely. I wandered Telegraph while Tim shopped for CDs, and I stopped to talk to all the crazy people, with the result being that I felt much better about my own sanity. I also stopped and dropped $20 on some aromatherapy stuff to lift my mood and help me sleep. I like shopping; it cheers me up. We also broke our own fruglaity rules by eating out, but damn if I didn't need that. Sunday night ended up being quite lovely, really, and it left a rosey shine on the rest of the weekend as a result.

Bah. I don't like my writing much today.

So, the Flytrap submissions are rolling in, and I'm beginning to wonder how I'll ever choose. I've decided that I'm not making any more decisions until after the deadline, simply because I want to hold open spaces and give everything a fair chance. I feel alot better about past rejections now, though, seeing as how slippery and subjective this whole editing process can be. I'm giving every story two reads, simply because I seem to rush the first time around and I want to give everyone an equal read, but I don't think that'll be possible when we have an open slush. Man. Overall, though, editing is fun. Though I still hate writing rejections and can totally see why people use forms. I'm trying very hard not to resort to forms, though; I know how much I like to know *why* a story was rejected or not.

Speaking of subjective rejections, places I will not be living/ attending grad school in next fall:

  • Bloomington, Indiana (Indiana University at Bloomington)
  • Austin, Texas (University of Texas at Austin)
Hell, I didn't really want to live in Texas anyway. And it snows in Indiana. Three responses to go!

Anyway, that's it for today.

Speak your mind.

Exercise Log:

Stretched and lifted weights Tuesday morning.

Writing log:

Editing, I've been editing . . .

Current Publications:

"Famishing" in Strange Horizons. My first pro sale!

"Wetting the Bed" and a collab with Tim Pratt, "A Serious Case of Fairies" in Floodwater

"How to Suck" reprinted in From Porn to Poetry: Clean Sheets Celebrates the Erotic Mind

Currently Reading:

Conjunctions 39 ed. by Peter Straub

Donate money to my teeth, my grad school application fees, our writerly projects (Floodwater and Flytrap!). Every little bit helps!

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