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What is it with these dreams I keep having where very attractive men are practically waiting in line to kiss me?* | ||
Last night's dream was even more vivid. This time I was employed or living at this very modern-looking center. I don't know what it was a center for, only that it had lots of glass windows overlooking lush green forests. And smooth wood floors and walls. And lots of cute men, of course. At one point in this now-faded dream, I walked into a room and heard the most beautiful singing, and I said before I saw her, "Hello, Ms. Nahas!" It was my friend from college, Heather Nahas, and her voice was just as I remembered it. I told her in the dream that I missed hearing her voice - even just hearing her speak, let alone when she sang... funny how all these old friends of mine keep popping up in my dreams. | *Ok. So, when I asked David what he thought this might mean, he said, "That you're not getting enough sex, maybe?" Now, as true as that may be, I really think it's more that I'm feeling neglected and unappreciated lately. Very unappreciated. | |
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David and I tried to watch Saturday Night Live last night. A coworker mentioned that it's been really funny lately, so we thought we'd give it a try. What a mistake. There were only a few funny bits, scattered thinly throughout the hour and a half show. My favorite line was near the beginning, where "Barbara Walters", inspired by Monica's description of phone sex, is calling around, trying to find someone to have phone sex with her. She finally calls "Hillary Clinton", who, once she figures out what Barbara is up to, cuts her off with, "I'll be the can do whatever they want and everyone still likes them." | ||
![]() | Which brings me to a discussion that I had a few nights ago with my roommates, where we debated whether or not it's harder to be a man or a woman. We're all three happy with the sex we are, luckily, but we couldn't come to a consensus on which sex has a harder time of it. Our society likes to make it hard on people, is the short version of our conversation.
We then went into a long discussion on sex-change operations, both the how and the why. Not only is the male-to-female physically easier to perform, but all three of us seemed to understand that better than female-to-male. Honestly? I'm a very opened minded person, but female-to-male sex change individuals creep me out. I can't put my finger on it, and I probably shouldn't try, as I'm just going to offend somebody. But you hear about male-to-female (both sex change and cross-dressing) more often, and I think it's more widely accepted in our culture. And more visible. I mean, everyone knows what a drag queen is, right? Patrick Swayze even played one recently (in "To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar")... Female clothing is very distinctive; men can grow their hair out, paint their nails, stuff a bra, wear makeup and a skirt (or even a women's cut T-shirt) and they look (more or less) like women. But it's commonplace for a woman to wear a man's clothing; what does a woman do to become a man? Cut her hair, bind her breasts, lower her voice...see, it's harder to make the distinction. It seems (to me) less common (relatively speaking) for a woman to live her life as a man.* And it's certainly a less common sex-change operation than male-to-female. Not that *any* of this is well-accepted, mind you. I know I'm living in one of the most open-minded areas for this sort of thing. What am I getting at? Good question. This is something that I'm trying to get my head around, and, to be honest, I should have probably done more research before slapping it up on my web page. But, based on my own very vague, very generalized observations (mentioned above), it seems that more men want to be women than women want to be men, despite the fact that men have most of the power and can get away with a larger range of deviant behavior. Does this mean it's easier to be a woman? Or maybe women just don't want the hassle (and pressure) of being a man? I dunno. I should definiteley do some more research on this. | *Of course, there is a long history of women dressing as men in order to gain the benefits of being the other sex. Women dressed as men in order to fight in the Civil War. The jazz musician Billy Tipton lived her entire life as a man in order to participate in the male-dominated jazz scene. Restoration comedies often feature a woman desguised as a man, as do many of Shakespeare's plays. But all these examples happened in a time before women were commonly seen in pants and other "men's" clothing. |
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Today I went bowling with Todd and Jen and their friends, Ian, Julie, David and Phil. I bowled terribly, coming in last with a 64 the first game, fifth with an 80 the second game, and last again with a 72 the final game. That final game pissed me off, because the computer kept fucking up and I lost a spare in the scoring. It was good to see Todd again, as we haven't hung out in some time. We didn't get to talk too much, which was actually ok. Todd's so mellow about these sorts of things, and I'm finally accepting (and appreciating) his laid-back attitude. We're still friends, we'll still hang out. I love that no-guilt approach. Todd's always been hella cool. | ||
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Forgot to mention that I did my taxes yesterday. Aren't I a good girl? I'm getting almost $400 back, which will cover my chiropractor. Sigh. I'd rather save for a trip, or a new computer... | ||
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I just thought I'd put in another pretty line. Do you like them? I've also revamped my Reading List, which is still not up to date. If any of you have any comments, suggestions, questions...anything to say to me at all, please feel free to write me! I love feedback. Until next time...good night, doves. |