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Tuesday November 7th - Get out and VOTE!
Burning Man
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If you're registered to vote, please do so. Most polling places are within walking distance of your home, and if you're in the Bay Area, it's another gorgeous day for walking. Feel the breeze on your face. Feel only slightly dirty as you vote for the lesser of two evils . . .

I do urge all my liberal Indiana friends (and other readers in states that will most certainly go Republican) to vote Nader. We really can't here in California - it's too scary, the thought of Bush taking California - but it would be nice for the Green party to get that magical 5% of the vote needed to be legit next time around.

I don't really like politics, but I do think it's important for us to vote. I'm not going to go into what's wrong with American politics right now . . . the day is too pretty and Columbine already did such a nice job of it. Not that I *entirely* agree with her, and of course there are other issues as well, but it's a nice overview, written in her neat, tight style. I love it when journal entries come back around like that one does.

Anyway, rambling. I had a migraine all last night and into the wee hours of the morning. So far today I'm ok, so I'm going to pounce on the well-being and take a nice walk with David around Lake Merritt.

Exercise log:

Took a nice longish walk yesterday, during which I stopped for a latte and lemon angel food cake at Gaylord's, not to mention much window shopping/browsing.

Writing log:

The Many Masks of Halloween in Strange Horizons.

I'm currently reading:

Solaris by Stanislaw Lem

Woman: An Intimate Geography by Natalie Angier

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