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Tuesday November 28th - Communication Breakthrough
Burning Man
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Shhh, it's really Monday around 8pm, but I'm so excited about a small bit of news I've decided to go ahead and tell you now:

I got a PO Box!

The main reason for this is probably my loyal reader, Austin, who used to send me postcards every so often at my old work address. I can't tell you how many times he brightened my day by sending me a card from the Carribbean or Canada or wherever he happened to be. I want to be able to receive mail from him again; I want to be able to receive mail from any and all of you, and now I can.

My new PO Box is:

Heather Shaw
P.O. Box 13222
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222

I'm also going to do a Holiday card exchange if any of you are interested. Email me your snail mail address and I'll send you one :-) If you'd like to send one to me, just use the handy-dandy PO Box above. So simple! So easy!

And, while we're on the subject of the holidays, I will link to my Amazon Wish List which has ridiculously expensive items on it because Amazon is having this "win your wishlist" promotion - up to $5000! Thanks to Beth for alerting me to this. Anyway, I put this list here just in case some of you have too much money and don't know what to spend it on ;-) For the rest of us, the Holiday Cards will bring in plenty of cheer and will be greatly appreciated; I still have the ones from last year hanging up in my room, just in case you had any doubt that a card would not get a proper showing.

Ah, I'm hyper from my workout. I'm being more social the past few days, and it's one of those things that comes back to you once you start doing it again. I just met my neighbor, Brian, and his friend, Charles, who have been living next door to me for the past year or two. Jeez. He's cute too! How did I miss meeting the cute young guy next door? What hole have I had my head stuck in?

Yeah, I know most of you can answer that question too . . .

7AM Actual Tuesday Morning

Sigh. So I went to pick up David last night. His flight was an hour delayed, which meant he got in at 10pm instead of 9, and then there was a ridiculously long wait for the luggage carosel to start moving . . . I'm afraid I was pretty grumpy. I was tired and my back was really hurting me and I couldn't quite figure out why. (Later I realized that it was the first day of my period, and that lower back pain was in lieu of gripping, wrenching cramps; I suppose I should think myself lucky, huh.) I was so cranky, well, let's just say I owe David an apology. Sigh. Anyway, I was up too late and I'm not happy about it this morning. I hate going up and down in my emotions like this . . .

Exercise log:

Lifted weights: back and biceps. 20 minutes on the precor machine followed by a 10 minute abs class. Yeah.

Writing log:

1000 words of new sister/sf story.

I'm currently reading:

The Hundred Secret Senses by Amy Tan

Zodiac by Neal Stephenson

Woman: An Intimate Geography by Natalie Angier

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