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Thursday October 5th - Mood Flux
Burning Man
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Well, I got all sorts of baseball terms wrong yesterday. David sent me corrections, so yesterday's entry is now edited so I don't sound like such an idiot.

I got my period yesterday, and with it my calm, good mood flew out the window, shattering my sanity. I hate having fluctuating hormones. It's just not fair! This was supposed to be a GOOD MOOD week, and it was cut short by the red robber.

Ok, ok, so it's not entirely horrible. Karen came by for a bit last night, and we had a good chat. I think we're going to try and hang out sometime soon (not this weekend; I'm out of town this weekend). Then Jodi calls me while I'm getting ready for bed, and we chatted for awhile. I miss her and Carol a lot; I wish they lived closer, but I need to visit them more often than I do; Mountain View is only an hour away.

So, it was good to remember/discover that I do indeed have some female friends in my life here in California. I guess I never think to call Karen because she's still in a newish relationship with Aaron, and I assume she's probably hanging out with him all the time. But I shouldn't assume such things; I should call her and hang out once in awhile. She seemed to want to, too. I forget that we *all* can use more friends. I need to watch that wallowing.

So, tomorrow I leave to go on our company retreat up at Wilbur Hot Springs. Yay! I'm rooming with Claudia, who is also going alone, and with whom I can have good girl-talk conversations. Claudia, like so many of the cool women at work, is world-travelled and down-to-earth. She'll probably be up for hiking and yoga and fun stuff like that. Plus, Jenna's room is right next door to ours (I think), so we'll have lots of girlpower going on. And, if I need to get away (to write or think or whatever), everyone assures me there's lots of places to hide away. I guess it's beautiful and woodsy up there, and there's going to be a full moon as well. I think this is going to be a very nice, relaxing weekend. Yay.

Exercise log:

Lifted weights at lunch yesterday: back and some sides. Did 15 minutes on the elliptical machine. There's just not enough time to work out properly in an hour's lunch.

Writing log:

Actually, I did start to write a scene the other night - um, on Monday? I think? Anyway, it's all of a paragraph long and I got bored and stopped way too soon. I need some focus, dammit.

I'm currently reading:

Woman: An Intimate Geography by Natalie Angier

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

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