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Monday October 30th - Halloween Article is Up! (What's that you say?)
Burning Man
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Hey, kids, check out my first non-erotic published piece:

The Many Masks of Halloween

Be sure to poke around the rest of Strange Horizons as well.

Will hopefully update here later today (after I, you know, get some sleep; it's 12:53am right now; man, daylight savings time really screws with your head, doesn't it?).


So, last night I went to a party at Jen and Swati's. It was a costume party, so I dressed up in my Butterfly costume. I'd made the wings, which are different shades of blue and green sari silk sewn into wings that strap over the arms (they only look like wings when you spread your arms) two years ago, and they're mighty impressive. Hell, I'm impressed by them, probably because I can't imagine having the discipline to make them right now; I made them in one night. As the "body" of the costume I used to wear this Asian print dress, but last night I opted for the silk top and belly-dancing skirt in turquoise that I'd made last year. I pinned a beaded headpiece over the elastic on the antennae (the ends of which kept falling off and rolling away) and clipped those fluttery butterfly clips all over my hair. I used some liquid eyeliner, just to complete the sexy look.

And I probably would've managed to have a good time - to have FUN - if I could HEAR anything.

It felt like my head was wrapped in wool. Seriously, I thought I had a mummy costume on, my ears were so stuffed up. I explained this to people, so that they'd be understanding whenever I had to ask them to repeat something, but since I was mostly just enjoying listening to others' conversations (although that may be because everytime I spoke, my voice sounded really distant to me, and I got self-conscious quickly), it didn't always help. Once, right after I'd explained my hearing problem to someone, they mumbled something at me and I had to say, "Pardon?" which made us all laugh - problem was, I really hadn't heard what they'd said, and they thought I was just being funny. Ok, so I take the funny points but lose the thread of the conversation. Sigh.

It was good to see Jen and Swati again - it'd been years. Ed showed up (as a utterly charming "Edwina") and it was nice to see him too. I enjoyed the people I met last night, but I'll never remember them by their voices, I'll tell you that much; and it was a costume party, too, so I guess I'm not sure what they really look like; wigs and heavy makeup were very popular at this party.

When I went in to the doctor today, she took one look in my ear and said, "Oh my god! This ear looks terrible!" Seems that there's so much fluid (and, gulp, blood) in that ear that it's amazing I can hear at all out of it. The other ear is really bad too, although not as painful. Anyway, she said that if we don't get my ears to drain by Friday, I'm probably going to have to go in to the hospital and have them drained. (Shudder) I am on very strong antibiotics, not to mention Sudaphed. I still can't hear anything, but I guess I need to patient.

Well, I can hear some weird ringing, but that's hardly what I'd call encouraging . . . .

Exercise log:

Oh, must get on this soon!

Writing log:

The Many Masks of Halloween

I'm currently reading:

Solaris by Stanislaw Lem

Woman: An Intimate Geography by Natalie Angier

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