Burning Man 2000

Art Installations

More Body Parts


That's Jeff waving before he delves into the sphincter installation. I believe the asshole burned Sunday night, though I didn't watch it.

Thin Dick

A rather thin dick. This was part of the infamous "Burning Man Opera" this year. After much pomp, firedancing and promenading around it, the "balls" were set on fire and the whole thing was pulled wobbling up close to the weird yoni (not pictured). Neat to see it move, I guess. I didn't stay up to watch it burng all the way down, but I hear they lost the tow lines on it and couldn't control which way it was to fall. It was all shrivled up to the left of the yoni in the morning. Apt.


All the playa kids playing on the rib cage jungle gym. Check out the cool swing.

Lovely naked girl

There's nothing like a beautiful naked woman swinging on a ribcage in the afternoon. I like how I managed to take a nude shot that doesn't show any "private" parts. Not that it's like that on the playa - you can strip down wherever you like, whenever you like. It's liberating. It's refreshing. And it's darn comfy too!


You just see stuff like this pass you by on the playa. This is right outside of center camp. My guess is that they were going to perform something somewhere, but maybe they were just walking around, being pretty.

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