Kali Mahavidya
Dive, saying Kali
Into the waters of the heart.
The sea is not empty of treasures
If you return emptyhanded at first
Dive with renewed resolve
Into Mother's realm....
So many precious stones
Lie about in these waters
Ramprasad says, dive deep
Gather the treasures yourself.
--Song of Bengali mystic Ramprasad Sen
View a closeup of the face of Kali
Kali is first among the ten Great Wisdoms.
Seated in the cave of the heart,
she brings about spiritual and material transformation,
burning away impurities and cutting through delusion.
"Resuming after dissolution Your own nature
dark and formless, You alone remain as One,
ineffable and inconceivable.
You are the beginning of all, creator,
protector and destroyer that You are....
Taking the form of the Void,
in the robe of darkness wrapped,
who art Thou, Mother, seated alone
in the shrine of samadhi?
From the lotus of Thy fear-scattering feet
flash the lightnings of love.
Thy spirit-face shines forth
with laughter wild and loud."
--Indian bhajan
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