Planting the blessed herb

Motherwort herb

to bind with the herb Birthwort that procures abortion

in the Blissful Garden of Herbal good
Motherwort binds significance of fatherhood with motherhood.

Susan Smith with husband and father

Husband David Smith distraught after wife drowns their children
Tim Kimsey-Union Daily Times-SIPA
Susan Smith taken into custody.
Her step-father who abused her as a child­p;Time Magazine

nail voodoo man

Nail Fetish

Mirror deflects malign influences and incubates herbal cure

The leaves and stalks perish in the winter but not the roots. The herb has a cleansing and binding quality that gives the father a significant role. The powder given in wine provokes a monthly course and labor that shares its stake in parenthood.

herbal pharmacists

Preparation of a medical potion derived from certain herbs.
Illuminated page: Hippocrates: De Diversis Herbis - 13 th century

It destroys the Myth that

myth:negating woman's purpose be a mother

Healing the myth
Back to myth
Destroying myths
