Separate from females. Be a separate person.
Get male stuff in your body
so you can be masculine and strong. -G. Herdt 1982 Rituals of Manhood

Public schools are where manly virtues
are inculcated.-Joanna Bourke 1996 Dismembering the Male: Men's Bodies,
Britian and the Great War
The success of the male requires downgrading of another. They need
to compete and perform well to feel worthy. -Michael Gurian 1966TheWonder
of Boys

Security for young in Chechnya -Agence France-Presse
Boys can be disciplined into warriors. Initiates match with age-mates
and then eventually try to outdo them.

Solidality of Male Community

Boys function best collectivity in large groups, boy
scouts, war etc.
-Deborah Tannen 1990 You Just Don't Understand
The first three Sambia initiation stages are collective, a group impact
having psycholgical effect.

Nazi activism was a predominantly male preserve.
Violence was a product of a political culture which praised male virtues
of toughness and challenged the violent behavior of young men into domestic
politics. Young men were out to prove a virility that was clothed in nationalism-anti-marxism.

In Nazi Germany by the end of 1933, 47% of the boys aged 10-14 and 38%
the boys aged 14-18, belonged to the Hitler Youth Movement compared to
of the girls between 10-14 and 8% of the girls between 15-21 years of age.

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