Tatsumaki Taiko

Publicity & Press Kit

Tatsumaki Taiko Logos

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Small Text Logos

Large Logos with Text & Graphics

Small Dragons

Large Dragon


Click on the link to download files:

Publicity Poster (Large 11x17) (PDF file)

Publicity Poster (small 8x11) (PDF file)

Event Poster (8x11, for performance date & time) (PDF file)

Performance Guide

Click on the link to download file:

Performance Question & Answer Form (MS Word file)

Text for Programs and Stage Introduction:

Tatsumaki Taiko is a traditional Japanese percussion group based in Berkeley, California. The group was formed in 1998, and since that time they have played for many festivals and cultural events around the bay area. Their name - "Tatsumaki" - comes from the Japanese word for "whirlwind." Literally translated "tatsu - maki" means "spinning dragon." The spinning dragon symbolizes the spirit and energy of Tatsumaki Taiko's drumming. During performances they strive to create the atmosphere of a Japanese festival, and bring people together through the sound of the taiko.

Information about the group's performance schedule and taiko classes can be found on their web site: www.tatsumakitaiko.com

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8/1/2006 by akudo3