Luther Family Yellowstone Trip

Near the end of September 2001, the Oakland Luther's  headed for the WEST!!!
(of course we had to head east in order to go to the West, but such is the life in California...)


Day 1: Oakland, California through Salt Lake City to Dinosaur National Monument

Taking advantage of a cheap Southwest flight, we flew into Salt Lake City (soon to be home of the 2002 Olympics!!! Once landed we headed to Enterprise Rent-A-Car where we picked up our beautiful (and gas guzzler) Chevy Malibu


Of course nobody enjoyed it more than Sasha.

After a quick bite to eat in Salt Lake, we headed for Dinosaur National Monument.

Dinosaur National Monument was a great first place for us to head! The temperature was relatively warm (considering it was October) so we could test out our new camping equipment without freezing if things didn't work out... 

Unfortunately the flash broke on our camera and caused a short, so you will have to enjoy photos of other people enjoying this fine national park... However, we did purchase a new camera at Wal-mart  in Cody, Wyoming... So there will be pictures of our family in further down... After driving through half of Utah, we didn't have time to check out the highlights of the National Park until Day 2... However, the temperature was just right for trying out our new Arc2 tent from Walrus.


Details: Camped at Green River Campground in Dinosaur National Park


Day 2: Dinosaur National Monument through Flaming Gorges to the Shoshone National Forest

Dinosaur National Monument was beautiful... The obvious highlight of the park is a huge sedimentary wall filled with dinosaur bones that physical anthropologists have left intact after removing the dirt and debris from around the bones... It is very hip, and there is an informative museum connected to the site, so we loaded up on our current dinosaur knowledge. One of the interesting tidbits of information we picked up is that they have gone and drawn all of the dinosaurs now in colors, stripes, and spots... The idea is that animals back then would have tried to fit into their environment just as animals do today (think the spots on a giraffe).

In addition, we took a tour of the old Native American rock carvings in this area. Check out this link from the National Park service for a really great photo of some of the drawings!

Sasha at the Atlantic City campground:

Details: Camped at Atlantic City Campground in the Shoshone National Forest


Day 3: Shoshone National Forest through The Sinks in Wind River County,  through Thermopolis to Cody, Wyoming

The Sinks:



Details: Lodged at the Skyline Motor Inn in Cody, Wyoming


Day 4: Cody, Wyoming to Yellowstone National Park

Cody Wild West Museum:


Anna driving into Yellowstone:


Yellowstone is a place I could never stay for long enough! We did so much in just three days, and still we barely touched the surface in terms of things to see/do/hear/touch! I could spend a whole day just hiking around many of the places we spent only an hour or so... Too much to do... Not enough time...



Mud Volcanoes:


Slough Creek Campsite Photos:


Sasha Exploring our Campsite:


Details: Camped at the Slough Creek Campground in Yellowstone National Park


Day 5: Yellowstone National Park

Foggy morning hike:


Tower Falls:


Inspiration Point:


Lower Falls:

Grizzly Lake Hike:


Bull Elk:

Mammoth Hot Springs:


Details: Camped at the Slough Creek Campground in Yellowstone National Park


Day 6: Yellowstone National Park to the Grand Teton National Park. 

Petrified Tree:

Boiling River:


And finally, the Geysers!!!

Bee Hive Geyser:

Chinesi Spring:

And Old Faithful:

How anything as large as the Grand Tetons get overshadowed is almost amazing... But Yellowstone (just to the north) gets a lot more press. None the less, the views... the animals... it is all spectacular. 

Details: Lodged at the Signal Mountain Lodge in the Grand Teton National Park


Day 7: Grand Teton National Park through Paris, Idaho to Logan, Utah

Grand Tetons:



Details: Lodged at the Super 8 Motel in Logan, Utah


Day 8: Logan, Utah to Salt Lake City

At this point in our trip, we had kind of pictured ourselves out... Consequently, you are left with only one last photo...

Salt Lake City Cafe:

Details: Lodged at the City Center Marriott Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah 


Day 9: Salt Lake City to Oakland, California

We got up from our hotel early to catch a morning flight home to Oakland! I hope you enjoyed the story or our trip!

Details: Slept at home...