Gene Clements, Architect
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The Design Process |
Introduction |
My job as an architect is to guide my clients through the ever increasing complexity of the building process, to help clarify their dreams, to provide documents to guide the construction, to help them get the best value for the large expenditures involved, to keep all the players in the drama on the same team, and to make this all fun. Approached with enthusiasm, confidence, imagination, teamwork, and a sense of humor, a building project can be a wonderfully creative experience. The most gratifying results, both in design and enjoyment of the effort, come when there is a strong sense of partnership between my clients and me. Clients have a clearer understanding of their needs than any architect; I have a more general and detached view. This mix of viewpoints is essential. The best design solutions are those that come from the collaboration rather than either the architect or client alone. Working closely together also eliminates the concern, on everyone's part, that the client will dislike a scheme after investing time and money in it. |
Problem Definition |
The first stage of the work is to define the problem as clearly as possible and to begin to set criteria for judging the design. It helps to separate the definition of the problem from the solution. At this stage, we focus on the activities that the spaces must provide for, the kinds of places you find inspiring, and so on. In addition to defining the problem and setting goals for the solution, we will take stock of the resources available. This involves measuring existing conditions, analyzing the sunlight, views, zoning requirements, neighboring structures, establishing the budget, and so on. |
Design |
Once we have a good start on defining the problem, we can begin the design work. The first step is to work out the general size, shape, and location of the major elements. The usual pattern for this process is for me to spend some time working out one or more alternatives, then meeting with the client to review the work. Often, the discussion produces a new approach altogether, or a combination of several ideas. Much of the design is worked out together during this process which is repeated over the course of several weeks until everyone is satisfied with the result. As we resolve design questions, we work our way down in scale to windows, materials and so on. Once the design is established, I prepare construction documents for use in obtaining proposals from contractors, securing approvals from building departments, and as the basis for the contract with the builder. These documents consist of drawings, specifications governing the required quality of construction, energy conservation calculations as required by the State of California and so on. During construction I visit the site as appropriate to help resolve questions that arise and to determine in general that the work is being done as required by the contract. There are usually changes that come about during construction and often, unexpected existing conditions are discovered which require revisions. |
Construction Costs |
A traditional difficulty in building is the problem of construction costs. This stems from wishful thinking on the part of owners and architects, the desire on the part of everyone to add another interesting touch here or there, structural difficulties that can not always be determined at the outset, the current demand for construction and so on. I have found that my clients are usually more interested in getting good value for their money than in the bottom line alone. In order to prevent misunderstandings about the budget, it is important to be as clear and realistic as possible from the outset. Several steps can be taken in order to reduce the possibility of unpleasant surprises regarding construction costs. It is often helpful to consult with a contractor during the design phase to get input regarding the cost. In order to further clarify the process and avoid potential misunderstandings, I have found it to everyone's advantage to have a signed Owner / Architect agreement. This document, prepared by the American Institute of Architects, explains the Architect's services in more detail. |
Fees |
There are several common methods for determining a fair fee for architectural services. Compensation may be based on a percentage of the cost of construction, a fixed fee agreed to in advance for a defined amount of architectural work, or an hourly rate. For a typical residential addition/remodeling project, the total fee for architectural services would be in the range of 10 to 15 percent of the construction cost depending on the scope of services the architect is called on to perform. Various engineering consultants are usually necessary and their fee is additional. In the event that the client discontinues work on the project, the architect is paid for the portion of the architectural work that has been completed. In addition to the fee for architectural service, certain expenses, such as the cost of reproducing the drawings, are reimbursed to the architect by the client. On most residential projects, the reimbursable expenses total less than $300. |