- Launched:
SDC Website (redesigned) - Purchased:
New Lamé (from Victory Fencing Gear) - Repaired:
Glitchy Electric Foil Blades (Thank you, Jeff!)
Informally, unofficially, and at each individual's own risk, fencing in the park has begun! This is our annual custom of gathering in Serra Park in Sunnyvale on Thursday evenings for fencing, socializing and fun as the summer sun goes down, while regular fencing classes are not in session. See the salle's website (link above) for details and photos.
This year's first fencing-in-the-park Thursday was sparsely attended but amply supplied with electric strips, such that while we had four strips on hand, we set up only three, and shared them among approximately twelve fencers (M. and J. sat out entirely, and L. mostly). P. brought beer for those who enjoy that. Jeff and I brought a leaf-blower and broom, respectively, to clear away the pine needles and detritus for safety. T. and K., just home from a trip, arrived as I was leaving for my long drive home.
I hope to see more and more fencers at the park as the summer sunset inches back!