Quotation of the Month
“Oh, darling, where have you been? All right, it may be just a rumour, but even so, if you had hung around with your own kind more this past century, you would have heard it, too.”
— Janette,
“Unrealilty TV”
The German cut of second season FK is now available (Region 2 DVDs).
FKFicFest 2012 is coming!
See what's happened recently in FK fandom on LJ and DW.
Watch FK on Chiller TV! Stream on Crackle and Hulu!
Buy FK DVDs, CDs, books and downloads on Amazon.

Amy R.'s Forever Knight Fan Material
Last Modified March 21, 2012
ForKni-L Affiliation: Knightie
Naturally, these fanworks are entirely fictional (there's no such thing as a vampire). Forever Knight was created by Parriot & Cohen and belongs to Sony.