Amy's Forever Knight Fanfiction
Updated February 6, 2012


"Scrubbed Clean" (PG)
2012 January — 1,996 words
Janette, Nick, Lacroix, Others
In 1275 Troyes, Janette's laundress learns the hidden nature of her household.
Responses: 6

"A Hunt by Any Other Name" (PG)
2012 January — 1,773 words
Janette, Natalie, Others
Janette and Natalie are among the passengers stuck in a glass-sided mall elevator under a skylight, with dawn on the way.
Responses: 8

"Thirty-One, Level 1" (G)
2012 January — 1,336 words
Natalie, Sharon Luce
On her thirty-first birthday, Natalie dyes her hair for the first time.
Responses: 5

"Party Favors 2011" (Assorted)
2011 July — 8x100 words
Nick, Natalie, Lacroix, Janette, Reese, Jenny Schanke, Others
These eight miniature stories were my half of the "door prizes" for on-time players in the July 2011 FKFicFest game.
Responses: 7

"Malicious Mischief" (PG)
2011 July — 9,305 words
Schanke, Janette, Nick, Natalie, Miklos, Alma, Grace
While Nick is out of town, Schanke and Janette must cooperate to solve a crime at the Raven.
Responses: 10

"Cuts Deep" (PG-13)
2011 February — 11,023 words
Nick, Schanke, Natalie, Lacroix, Janette, Stonetree, Norma, Others
Nick and Schanke solve a murder that reminds Nick of a miscarriage of justice in 1885 London.
Responses: 6

"The Book Club Auxiliary" (G)
2011 January — 1,046 words
Grace, Natalie, Other
Grace visits Natalie in the hospital.
Responses: 10

"Metamorphosis" (PG)
2011 January — 991 words
It's time for Natalie to move on... without Nick.
Responses: 7

"Method in Her Madness" (G)
2011 January — 884 words
Natalie, Nick
Natalie has a new theory of Nick's condition, but she needs his help.
Responses: 9

"Heart's Ease" (G)
2010 November — 1,173 words
Nick/Natalie, Tracy, Lacroix
Back at work after achieving a cure, Nick swiftly finds himself at the hospital.
Responses: 10

"Party Favors 2010" (Assorted)
2010 May — 7x100 words
Nick, Natalie, Janette, Lacroix, Vachon, Screed, Sydney, Tracy, Urs, Erica, Fleur
These seven miniature stories were my half of the "door prizes" for on-time players in the May 2010 FKFicFest game.
Responses: 11

"True to Life" (PG-13)
2010 May — 14,644 words
Nick, Janette, Historical Figures
Janette visits Nick in 1857 London, where he is part of the Pre-Raphaelite circle. With her comes everything he's trying to escape.
Responses: 12

"In a Family Way" (PG-13)
2009 December — 7,725 words
Nick, Lacroix, Janette, Others
Nick makes friends on a flight to Paris to see Janette, but Lacroix is on the same plane.
Responses: 12

"When Donut Met Button" (G)
2009 May — 1,978 words
Tracy, Schanke
Tracy receives advice from Schanke on partnering with Nick.
Responses: 7

"Three Fireweed Seeds" (PG-13)
2009 February — 3,321 words
Fleur/Lacroix, Fleur/Erica, Nick/Erica
These three very short stories ("Reconnection," "Responses," "Recoil") revisit the "Fireweed" AU in which Janette brought Fleur across.
Responses: 8

"Milepost" (PG-13)
2008 November — 2,484 words
Tracy, Natalie, Nick
Tracy receives advice from Natalie on facing difficult crime scenes.
Responses: 8

"Fearful Symmetry" (PG)
2008 September — 9,991 words
Nick, Natalie, Lacroix, Janette, Others
As the asteroid panic gets a second wind, Nick revisits his experiences during the 1950s Red Scare.
Responses: 9

"A Delicate Balance" (PG)
2008 July — 9,987 words
Natalie, Nick, Schanke, Richard/Sara, Nana, Janette, Grace, Stonetree, Tracy, Others
Natalie takes a break from an investigation to attend a memorial for her brother, while considering a new approach to Nick's condition. (Flashbacks to Natalie's childhood.)
Responses: 13
+ Winner, Forsaken Fandoms

"Clearing the Air" (G)
2008 May — 100 words
Tracy, Natalie
Tracy asks Natalie why things are so strained between them.
Responses: 5

"Starwort" (PG-13)
2008 April — 14,135 words
Fleur/Lacroix, Fleur/OMC, Others
Fleur is pregnant with Andre when a stranger named Lacroix arrives uninvited at a hunting party.
Responses: 11
+ Winner, Forsaken Fandoms

"Pro Terra Sancta" (G)
2008 March — 1,283 words
Nick, Natalie, Schanke
On Good Friday, Schanke inadvertently reminds Nick of the Crusades, and Natalie notices.
Responses: 4

"Steamer Trunk Space" (PG)
2008 February — 1,489 words
Janette, Lacroix
Janette packs for the trip to North America in pursuit of Nick.
Responses: 4
+ Winner, Forsaken Fandoms

"Last Minutes" (PG)
2007 October — 3,101 words
Natalie/Nick, Nick/OFC, Lacroix, Urs, Serena, Lily Toeffler, Catherine Barrington, Others
At a wedding reception, Natalie ensures Nick's secret is kept.
Responses: 5
+ CrackVan Recommended
+ Winner, Forsaken Fandoms

"Professor When" (G)
2007 August — 3,742 words
Nick, Lacroix, Schanke, Janette, Merlin, Natalie, Others
Some parody fun with Doctor Who. It seems everyone has seen the new season of Nick's favorite show -- except him.
Responses: 5

"Better Late" (PG)
2007 July — 6,169 words
Natalie/Nick, Natalie/OMC, Lacroix, Others
In 2012, Natalie suspects more behind a change in their daughter's custody arrangements than her ex-husband Nick has said.
Responses: 9

"Nice to Remember" (PG)
2006 November — 4,906 words
Don/Myra, Janette, Others
Myra and Don Schanke's anniversary celebration proves more exciting than planned.
Responses: 11

"A Little Salsa Picante" (PG)
2006 September — 3,327 words
Schanke, Nick, Natalie, others
Schanke's stomach rumbles through an early case with Nick.
Responses: 17
+ CrackVan Recommended
+ Winner, Forsaken Fandoms

"Send My Love" (PG)
2006 August — 2,505 words
Natalie, Janette
Mailing Christmas gifts in 2006, Natalie bumps into a very old acquaintance.
Responses: 14

"By Expectation Beguiled" (G)
2006 July — 1,939 words
Janette/Nick, Alma, Brianna, Miklos
A shift at the Raven hinges on personal intangibles that have nothing to do with work.
Responses: 8

"How He Loves" (PG-13)
2006 May — 1,899 words
Lacroix, Nick, Others
Thwarted in "Stranger Than Fiction," Lacroix moves through Toronto, unable to stop thinking about Nick's feelings for Emily.
Responses: 11

"An Appointment Unkept" (PG)
2005 December — 2,982 words
Janette, OMC
Crossover with Highlander. Nick and Darius have an appointment for New Year's Eve 1999, but neither of them make it.
Responses: 9

"In the Light of Day" (PG-13)
2003 October — 53,030 words
Nick/Natalie, Nick/Janette, Urs/Vachon, Norma, Stonetree, Tracy, Reese, Feliks Twist, Lacroix, Myra, Others
Nick regains his humanity, but he's not the only one, and no one is prepared for all the consequences. (Flashbacks 1226-1228.)
Responses: 23

"What It's Like" (PG-13)
2003 April — 2,408 words
Natalie, Nick
Natalie attempts to understand Nick's struggle, as he grapples with his third shift as a homicide detective.
Responses: 13

"Another Officer Vetter" (PG)
2002 September — 3,606 words
Barbara, Tracy, Richard Vetter, Others
Barbara Vetter learns of two important choices her daughter has made.
Responses: 12

"A Matter of Time" (PG)
2002 June — 3,475 words
A much-changed Natalie confronts Nick with a request only he can fulfill.
Responses: 22

"Not the Mothering Type" (PG-13)
2001 August — 4,543 words
Janette/Sofia, Nick, Lacroix, Others
In "I Will Repay," Janette tells Nick she never converted anyone to vampirism. But what about the Baroness in "If Looks Could Kill"?
Responses: 10
+ Nominee, '01 FK Fanfic Award

"Grievances" (G)
2001 July — 2,993 words
Vachon, Fleur, Janette, Lacroix, Schanke, Cohen, Stonetree, Nick, Natalie, others
In parody, the characters organize to protest the working conditions in fanfiction.
Responses: 10

"Kindred Spirits" (PG-13)
2001 January — 13,511 words
Nick, Urs, Ellen-Monika-Jacqueline, Erica, Sofia, Natalie, Lacroix, Enforcers
Jacqueline turns to Urs and Nick for help.
Responses: 17
+ Nominee, '01 FK Fanfic Award

"Time Out for the Living" (PG)
2000 February — 6,709 words
Natalie, Richard, Grace, Sydney, Sara, Amy
Unsettling phone calls, uncanny dreams and an unexpected day off work coerce Natalie into examining her life outside the lab.
Responses: 12
+ Nominee, '00 FK Fanfic Award

"That Ain't Love" (PG-13)
1999 May — 9,110 words
Nick, Lacroix, Natalie, Janette, Schanke, Brianna
Nick struggles to hold on to his new life and hopes when Lacroix confronts him with old demands and desires.
Responses: 12

"Fireweed" (PG-13)
1998 December — 64,608 words
Nick/Natalie, Nick/Janette, Lacroix/Fleur, Grace, Tracy, Others
Natalie strives to derive a cure for vampirism from Divia's lethal venom, while Fleur's return to her family raises memories of 1229. (More: "Three Fireweed Seeds")
Responses: 30
+ Nominee, '98 FK Fanfic Award

"Whence the Truce" (G)
1998 Summer — 6,466 words
Lacroix/Fleur, Janette
Staying with Janette in early second-season, Lacroix pieces together what happened after Nick staked him. This piece appeared in the charity fanzine Tojours Lacroix (1999, 208 pages, 8.5x11"), edited and produced by Lisa P.
Responses: 2

"England's Rose" (G)
1997 September — 5,572 words
Natalie, Sara, Grace, Schanke, Nick, Janette, Lacroix, Urs, Vachon, Screed, Tracy, Cohen
Bending series time, Princess Diana's death distresses Natalie and reminds Nick of Queen Caroline, wife of England's George IV.
Responses: 11
"Someday My Knight Will Come" and "The Golden Age of Fandom" (PG)
Natalie/Nick, Schanke, Others
These satires are chapters of the humor fanzine My Parental Units Invaded the Earth, and All I Got was this Lousy T-Shirt (1998, 103 pages, 8.5x11"), a round-robin crossover starring the characters of more than six shows, edited and produced by Celeste.
Responses: 0

"Corners of the Mind" (PG-13)
1997 June — 32,212 words
Tracy/OMC, Tracy/Vachon, Reese, Lacroix, Janette, Screed, Bourbon, Jenny Schanke, Others
Tracy's resurging memories suddenly plunge her into the unsolved mysteries of Natalie's murder and Nick and Vachon's disappearances.
Responses: 18

"As We Forgive" (PG)
1997 Easter — 1,808 words
Nick, Lacroix
Nick answers Lacroix's "Last Knight" speech. He made the wrong choices for all the right reasons.
Responses: 27
+ Winner:, '97 FK Fanfic Award

"And So It Goes" (PG-13)
1997 February — 6,315 words
In Paris after "Last Knight," Janette sees Nick for the first time since he brought her back across in "The Human Factor."
Responses: 12

"Renovations" (PG-13)
1997 February —4,213 words
Alma, Lacroix, Urs
Alma redecorated the Raven for Janette in "Love You to Death." After Janette left, Lacroix required someone to perform the same service.
Responses: 11
"Twice in One Lifetime" (PG)
1997 January
Lacroix, Nick, Janette, Vachon, Alyce, Others
Lacroix's two-thousandth birthday celebration draws many guests with many conflicting agendas. Co-written with Bonnie, Cynthia and Jane, this short story appeared in the charity fanzine For the Good of the Knight (1997, 73 pages, 8.5x11"), edited and produced by Sharon H.
Responses: 0

"Billets Doux" (G)
1996 Winter — 1,291 words
Lacroix/Fleur, Nick
Lacroix muses on his loss of Fleur and how, perhaps, it led inevitably to his loss of Nick. This piece appeared in the charity fanzine Tojours Lacroix (1999, 208 pages, 8.5x11"), edited and produced by Lisa P.
Responses: 1

"Happiness Is" (G)
1996 June — 1,776 words
Nick/Natalie and everyone else!
In a fluffy "Nobody Dies; Nobody Ever Dies" atmosphere, Natalie and Nick chat about friends and family, happily ever after.
Responses: 14

"Guitars and Roses" (G)
1996 May — 1,181 words
Lacroix/Fleur, Tracy/Vachon
Lacroix approaches Tracy at the Raven after Vachon's death and Nick's "Ashes to Ashes" request.
Responses: 11

"Quid Pro Quo, Doctor Lambert" (PG)
1996 April — 2,894 words
Nick/Natalie, Lacroix, Janette, Others
Forty years after it was incurred, a debt comes due before the eyes of Nick and Natalie's grieving daughter.
Responses: 24
Naturally, these fanstories are entirely fictional (there's no such thing as a vampire). Forever Knight was created by Parriot & Cohen and belongs to Sony. Feedback is welcome; please drop me a line and let me know what you think. Thank you very much for reading!