Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Ahhh, you've found your way to the heartbeat of The Nid. No, no, come in, come in! I've made it nice and comfy for you here. Don't worry, I'm usually pretty good at keeping the personal stuff private. Ah! I see. That's what you're looking for? Then perhaps you should journey over to my erotic poetry instead.

No? Well then, welcome to my world. For a semi-complete cast of characters, look under Who's who.

February 1st, 1999

I just spent an hour futzing with this web page. If you hate or love anything let me know. Check out my new journal index. Ooooh, a new index. Ain't I good to you?
Hey, remember that cool job I told you about at Xinet? Well, I got it! Yup, I had the second interview this afternoon at 2pm. It lasted about a half an hour or so, and they called me before 3! What a relief! My temp job looked like it was going to end sooner than I expected, and I was getting tired of looking for jobs. It seems I've picked a good space to settle down in, too. Not one, but twopeople I know work there (Ria and Ti-Fred), and both swear that it's the best job they've ever had. It's a receptionist position, but I'm also going to have other, office manager type duties, which will keep me busy. There's also a chance of eventually moving on up . . . maybe get that Tech Writing training I've been considering. At any rate, it's already cool and it's got even more potential.
In other news*, my new housemate, Aron, moved in tonight. I think he'll be fine. He makes me laugh, alot, which is a good quality to have in someone who's sharing your common spaces.*So much news! I got kind of disheartened after losing my Jan. 24th journal entry . . . it was one of mom's favorites. Sorry for the lag in entries.
I had a crying jag earlier this afternoon. I think it was the relief over the job that did it; I've felt like I've been holding alot in lately . . . y'know, holding my breath, trying really hard not to do anything wrong, and hoping everything will work out. I've been doing that with my job, my boyfriend and my housemate situation. And let me tell you: It's exhausting.
Sweet dreams, dearies.
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