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Friday, February 19th, 1999 - David's Coming Home Tonight!

Of course, he's probably mortified that I wrote that so big. Oh, well. I can't wait to see the boy. (And I use boy as a term of affection, with full, full knowledge that he is, in fact, a man). Jasmine knows what I mean. Tonight, exactly week after he left, she's been pacing the apartment and meowing, loudly, looking all over for him. She's pissed, because she knows that these trips *never* last longer than a week. She's normally a very quiet cat, but tonight she's startled me several times by yeowling from the music room.
I spent my entire evening tonight running errands and cooking. I wanted David to have something to eat when he gets in tomorrow night.* He's going to be exhausted (cross-country flight) and hungry. And, he's been sick, which worries me. Oh, I'm sure he'll be ok, but I know how miserable it is to be in the dry, closed air of an airplane when you've got the flu. Poor baby. And first thing when he gets off the plane he's going to see is me, smiling broadly and showing too much cleavage. Yes, I'm terrible. But maybe it'll cheer him up a bit. *I went overboard, of course. I made Ratatouille and I bought bread, and fruit (I'm being vague so he'll be surprised). There's chocolate and a choice of frozen deserts. And even more (something of a tradition I'm trying to keep - I'll tell you tomorrow). There's usually never this much ready-to-eat food in his house.
Mary Anne's journal both amuses and irks me. She's lamenting that poor Kevin has to pick her up at 10am at the airport. Yeah, well, poor David stupidly volunteered to take her to the airport without finding out the time first, and will be getting out of bed at 5 AM the morning after he gets in. AND he has the flu. I'm a very light sleeper, too, so that means I'm going to be fighting to stay asleep Saturday morning (and I so wanted to sleep in with my honey!). Damn. And I'm used to getting up at 7 now, which means that 5 might just be close enough to wake me up entirely. I can get so grumpy...**No, David, that was not a threat, just me worrying. I fully intend to try and stay asleep.
Of course, when he told me about it, well, it didn't go over well. I was expecting to have him all to myself for a bit after he got back, and I'm still not dealing well with anything that involves Mary Anne. So, I started to over-react, then I got upset that here I was, blowing things out of proportion AGAIN, and I got mad at myself for acting like that, thus making me more and more upset.... * Yes. I'm ok now. David said he fully intends to go back to sleep afterwards (if I'm lucky, I'll never know he went), so I'll get to sleep in with him. Still, I just think that one of Mary Anne's roommates would be a better choice for an airport run, especially at that time of the morning.*I know. You're all thinking, "Damn. Glad I'm not dating her."
Ok, got that off my chest. I, for one, don't think I'm telling you too much about my love life. In fact, I'll bet I'd get more hits if I wrote the scintillous bits up here. Well. Too bad. My mom still reads this, guys.
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