Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Wednesday, April 12th, - Shameless request
It doesn't really matter . . . not really. But, well, there are two more days to nominate people for the Diarist Awards for this quarter, and for once I think I've written something that might actually make it to finals - maybe. I mean, a lot of you seemed to like Take a Chill Pill (again) so I was hoping I could sweet talk one of you (with your own online journal - sorry, part of the requirement to be able to nominate someone) into nominating it for one of the entry awards - possibly best rant? Anyhow, I feel kinda dirty even asking, but then again, if I don't, I doubt anyone will think of it. So there. I've asked. Please and thank you.

Yes, yes, more Spain soon. Possibly even today . . . I'll scratch your back.

Naw, scratch that. You don't hafta give me anything to hear about Spain . . .

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