Nidbits Card Catalog - April 2000

4/5/00 I know, I know . . .
4/6/00 Beautiful Day, Good Mood . . .
4/7/00 Bar hoping in Barcelona
4/8/00 Some Repeated stories, a few new, different angle
4/10/00 No focus, all Blurry (spontaneous poetry)
4/11/00 Life Update
4/12/00 Shameless Request
4/13/00 Note to Self: Go to the Ballet more often
4/14/00 More Spain! Barcelona to Granada to Orgiva
4/18/00 You say Orjiva, I say Orgiva, He says, "Mi casa?"
4/19/00 Sissy!
4/20/00 Is it a holiday for you, too?
4/21/00 A thousand words or so will have to do
4/24/00 Credit where credit is due
4/25/00 Write and Moan
4/26/00 Restless
4/27/00 So sad . . .
4/28/00 Yo yo!
4/30/00 Beltane Beauties
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