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Wednesday, April 5th, - Start some Spain here
I know, I know...
I know I owe you all lots of entries about my trip to Spain. Well, "owe" might not be exactly the right word, but I have promised them, and I do intend to deliver. However, life hit me full on in the face upon my return (beginning in the car ride home, after being awake and travelling for close to 24 hours; I cannot cope at that level of exhaustion, especially considering my stomach was swollen from being so ill . . . ) and I am dealing with the culture shock, life changes, and back log. Luckily, I have lots of notes, so when the time comes, I'll have something to type from . . .

Ok, ok, a rough poem/notes from my first day in Barcelona:

Warren-like streets
too narrow to consider cars
once uneven cobblestones
worn down in smooth
waves from centuries of use.

I lean my cheek against
the worn grooves of the
pillars of the cathedral
trying to soak in the age
what these stones have seen
and instead keep looking up
eyes to the clerestory, just
like it was meant to do.

In Placa Rei I sit on a fan
of stone steps that lead up
to where Ferdinand and
Isabella heard first about
the new world.

Earlier a living statue on
La Ramblas, all muted
silver-grey, stood on a box
that said, "Christopher Columbus."

I'm drawn the other way,
of course, wandering down
streets so narrow the sun
hardly shines, whispers
of stones suggest things
long dead, but from
balconies overhead green
cascades from each, so few
without a sign of life, flowers.

Earlier, I saw a young mother
and her son come out of a
door so roughly hewn it
may have been centuries old,
looking more like a wall
betrayed only by the old
iron lock with a keyhole
shaped keyhole.

A man strikes up his guitar,
not flamenco, though
perhaps, what do I know?
Spanish chords and melodies
echoing off the old Roman walls
around me as a happy dog
chases pigeons with such
zest that everyone is united
in their matched response
to his delight. . .

Sunday in Barcelona.

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