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Thursday, April 6th, - Beautiful Day, Good Mood
Do you care if the Spain stuff takes awhile to get up here? I feel like talking about my life right now, for now....

So, I've discovered that since the tummy thing at the end of the Spain trip, I'm unable to drink more than my one morning coke a day. I tried to drink a mid-afternoon one yesterday, but I had to pour it out. Too sweet/carbonated/something. This is a joyous time, when I only have a coke and my latte for caffeine; it feels like the road to health just got repaved.

The women at work like to jog on their breaks. They come back all red-faced and flushed and smilely and I envy them. So, today I set out shorts and a t-shirt and a towel (there are showers in my building) as I was getting ready for work today, determined to jog at my lunch hour. Of course, I forgot the shorts and t-shirt and towel . . .

Jenna offered to loan me some (she lives nearby and goes home for her lunch, which is right before mine). But she forgot. Finally, Claudia came up with a t-shirt that fit me, so I put that on, slapped on some sunscreen from our supply cabinet, pulled my tennies out of the trunk of my car and went running. In my jeans.

Something about the jeans was just too embarrassing. I was running in aquatic park in Berkeley, so for the most part there were no people nearby, but everytime I ran up to someone I'd either drop to a walk or turn and run the other way (as in the case with the cool kids in black who I was afraid would laugh at me). Anyhow, I didn't run too much - no sense in getting shin splints the first day (thus making it unlikely I'd ever try this again) - but I did feel all tingly when I was done. I even rinsed off in the shower, using the t-shirt as a towel.

Jogging is not the only form of exercise I'm going to rely on; I've tried jogging several times before in my life, and the ways I stopped are still distinct memories in my mind. There was high school, trying to run for blocks and blocks with Kris and having people slow down in their cars to cheer us on (probably mocking us more than anything, but that's the midwest). There was college, when I foolishly joined the cross-country team (for a day) in an attempt to lose weight; I couldn't even run the three miles out to the farmhouse and I was so far behind I had to turn around to avoid being left out on a country road alone in the dark. Oh yes, I've tried this before, but this time is different; this time I'm stopping before I hurt too much. That way, maybe I'll actually do it again some time.

Really, though, I plan to hike and swim and dance and garden and do yoga, sit-ups and lift weights. I know if I try to do it all through one form of exercise I'll fail. No more eggs in one basket for me!

I'm also drinking water instead of sugary teas and juices in the afternoons (our company provides snacks and beverages and they're all full of calories). Yay me. I know this entry is full of patting myself on the back for little things, but, well, it's better than mopey Heather, right? Ok, maybe that's more interesting, but this is better for me. Anyhow, the next entry will almost undoubtedly be about Spain, and thus more interesting. Stay tuned :-)

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