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Tuesday, April 25th - Write and Moan
I might do a Spain entry later today, but I'm not feeling focused enough to go for it right now. Up next in my Spain story is a part of the trip that is rather unique, and I feel an obligation to write this part well, to capture the essence of the English bar Gemini's and the trip into Beneficio. I suppose I'll try to get at least the Gemini's story up, but I am sorta waiting to get pictures up to go with the Beneficio story; you have to see this landscape to understand what it was like, I think. Incredible beauty, but a harsh climb. But I said I'd talk about that later, now, didn't I?

I actually sat down and wrote for an hour last night! I was attempting my review of the erotic museum, and I stopped after I'd written pages and had still not penetrated 3/4 of my notes! I found this to be disheartening, and upon rereading I was further distraught by my sloppy writing. I'm so obviously out of practice; I used to be able to sit down and churn out a well-written essay in an hour or so, but that was in college where I had to do that at least once or twice a week. These days, well, these days the most that's required of me is a cute, tailored email announcing employee birthdays or company lunches. Sigh. Anyhow, I'm trying to use last night's experience as an inspiration to sharpen those skills - I don't like feeling useless and scattered and unfocused. So, tonight (um, after yoga and before Buffy . . . hmmm, well, maybe tomorrow night, then) I'm going to sit down and either finish that damn review or write a fluffy How-to for CleanSheets. The fluffy part of the How-to is to bolster my confidence; I seem to do fluff fairly well these days.

Have I put you all to sleep with my writing ramblings? Sorry; I know it's a lot of shop-talk. Still, my sex life ain't all that exciting these days, mostly out of personal preference. It's spring and the cats are yowling outside my windows and I would love a new lover and all I can think is:

New lovers are so much work!


There's a guy I flirt with that I've been thinking about approaching. David always says that women can get laid so much easier than guys, and I've been wondering how true that is. I mean, if I say something suggestive to this new guy, I run the risk of rejection too, right? Still, that doesn't keep me from daydreaming about how I might come on to him for hours at a time (an activity I find most pleasant; I have a good imagination). I've come up with everything from a coy, "Ooh, I wanna see that movie too; what are you doing tonight, we should go catch it!" to dropping to my knees in front of him and fumbling with his fly (no, no, no, of course I would never do that! Fantasy, remember, fantasy.). ANYhow, the more I think about it, the less likely it is to happen, so it's time to chill out for a bit. I'm toying with the idea of old lovers, and spending way too much money at Good Vibrations. I know. So exciting. Or maybe you're thinking TMI (Too Much Information). In any case . . .

Now that I've made Mom tsk and the rest of you groan, I'm going to leave you to your own lovers or sex toys, as the case may be. I hope you're all getting more than I am!

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