Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Monday, April 23rd, 2001 - New Hack City

I have the most disturbing cough when I get sick. It usually requires me to lean over, and it takes over my body much the same way vomiting does, but without the spew. I can't breathe through my nose right now, and I had to call in sick to work today, which I really can't afford to do right now. Sigh. At least I slept 13 hours last night.

As usual, there's plenty that I have to talk about here, but I need to go lie down for awhile. Go read my Beltane article instead. I used some old pictures of Holly and myself at Lothlorien for some of the images. Not that you can really see much, since I had to shrink them down so small, but you may find it interesting.

Have a lovely, flower-filled day, dearies.

Exercise log:

Writing log:

I guess formatting the images and writing link blurbs and captions for my Beltane article doesn't count, huh? I also wrote some poetry.

I'm currently reading:

Zod Wallop by William Browning Spencer

My new PO Box is:

Heather Shaw
P.O. Box 13222
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222

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