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Did I forget to mention that I didn't get into Clarion? I can't
remember . . . it's probably for the best, though at times it hits me hard
and I'm all heart-broken about missing Nalo and Octavia and Connie
. . . all at once! Anyway, don't really want to talk about that right
now. Holly has written her first email from Bali. I need to get
permission, but I'll try to keep up with posting them here this time as
she sends her notes from her travels. Holly Bali. Oh, Lord. Hmmm, so,
the day before the Thai dinner (a week ago - Tuesday?) Holly and I went
out to Muir woods. We soon got off the touristy paths and into the woods
proper, where we spent a good deal of time just sitting and singing into
ravines to hear how pretty our voices sounded. Ah, greenery and my fairy
sister! What a lovely combination. Three hours of relaxing and hiking
and we headed back to Berkeley, where we took Kalidasa's yoga class. He
kept swooping by Holly, complementing her on her stretch, and I couldn't
resist whispering to him, "She's my sister!" "Your sister, huh? I
should've guessed!" (To Holly:) "I call her 'ribs' because of *her* side
stretch!" I think Kalidasa will be disappointed to learn Holly isn't
going to be a regular (though she might if she moves to the Bay Area after
Bali, which she just might). Anyhow, we both needed that yoga class
badly (even if I was sorta limping the next day from the combination of
hiking followed by yoga). We went out to sushi right afterwards with Todd
and Jen, and it was very fun. The bar at Ichi's was crowded, which was
too bad, as I would've loved to have Holly interact with Ichi more. Ah,
well, can't have everything. The end of that evening was topped off by a
too-quick visit to Ian and Elle's, where we had just missed Leo's
bedtime. Holly and I were pretty beat by then, so we didn't get a chance
to stay very long and socialize. All the more reason for her to either
stay here when she comes back through or stay for a longer visit.
Yes, Marissa, this is a
cool book! Thanks to Tim for loaning
it to me! I've also been reading selections from this
page. Mom, this
story made me think of you, and dating . . . hmm, maybe you shouldn't
read that one, on second thought . . .
My new PO Box is: Heather Shaw
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HomeThursday, April 26th, 2001 -
Well, I managed a full day at work yesterday but today I was too nauseous
to make it even three hours! I think it doesn't help that I'm starting to
hate this job. Nobody's fault, I don't think, I just am bored and want to
move on. Thank goodness they're expecting me to leave sometime in June
anyway. Exercise log:
Coughing is very tiring. Yes, it is.
Writing log:
Poetry. Letters. Paper journals. I also have two great ideas: one for a
short story that needs a revision (and I finally figured out what it was
missing! Yay!) and the other for a (gulp!) novel that is currently a short
story that has far too much going on to ever be a *good* short story!
I'm currently
Zod Wallop by William Browning Spencer
P.O. Box
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222
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