Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Saturday, April 28th, 2001 -

Writing this journal entry is pure procrastination on my part. My room is a pit, and I must clean it sometime in the next hour (as well as eat and shower), but I just can't bring myself to do so. I did get a good 11 hours of sleep in last night, which makes me very happy; sleep is a great healer, and already I feel less congested today (although the cough insists on hanging out, just to keep my unwary friends on their toes).

David's back! Oh, it's so good to have my dear friend around to hang out and talk to again! There is stuff I can talk to David about that I can't really talk to anyone else about, and I was getting ancy, waiting for him to come up from underwater (he was scuba diving in the Carribbean again) so I could chat with him. He fed me last night - pasta sauce and salad (well, I brought the salad from our garden) - and we hung out and watched baseball afterwards and talked. Baseball interests me more when David is with me; he sometimes supplies the dialogue between the umpires and the coaches, and it always looks like he's got it just right (and it's usually funny). Anyway.

Janine (my boss at work) loaned me some Spanish language tapes, and I think I'll play them while I work on cleaning my room. If that doesn't work, then I'll just have to dig out some boogie music. Tim is coming up to visit tonight, hooray! I intend to pick his brain about novel writing, as at least two of my short stories have too much meat to stay short and sweet. Tim is a great inspiration to my writing lately. So prolific!

Anyway, have a loverly weekend, friends!

Exercise log:

Ah, I finally got my ass back in the gym! Lifted weights: chest and triceps, followed by 20 minutes on the precor. My face was red from the exertion all night long.

Writing log:

Poetry. Letters. Paper journals. I also have two great ideas: one for a short story that needs a revision (and I finally figured out what it was missing! Yay!) and the other for a (gulp!) novel that is currently a short story that has far too much going on to ever be a *good* short story!

I'm currently reading:

Zod Wallop by William Browning Spencer

Henry and June by Anais Nin

Star Songs of an Old Primate by James Tiptree Jr.

My new PO Box is:

Heather Shaw
P.O. Box 13222
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222

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