Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Tuesday, May 1st, 2001 - Merrie Beltane!

Not that I celebrated Beltane in the proper, *fun* way last night. Not that I've ever had a *proper* Beltane (despite my hinting otherwise in my article on Beltane). But it pleases me that today is Beltane, nonetheless. I am happy. I am going to go wash my face in the Beltane morning dew and hope it hasn't gathered too much car exhaust.

Hmm, I sound a little grouchy, don't I? I guess I didn't sleep much or well last night, and for no good reason. Really, yesterday I was in a lovely mood. Today I will be in a good mood, too. Dammit. It's Beltane, May Day, for --

Well, I was going to say "for chrissakes" and then "for heaven's sake" but neither really fits with Beltane. Neither does dammit, for that matter. Hm. I think I had a run in with the fey in the middle of last night. That's why I was awake for so long and couldn't go back to sleep. Next year, I'll remember my bannock cakes.

Have a lovely May Day.

Exercise log:

Writing log:

I'm currently reading:

Zod Wallop by William Browning Spencer

Henry and June by Anais Nin

Star Songs of an Old Primate by James Tiptree Jr.

My new PO Box is:

Heather Shaw
P.O. Box 13222
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222

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