Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Thursday, May 10th, 2001 - To and Fro

Hi there. I know, I update so seldom! But I won't take a hiatus. I'll plow on, slowly.

So, last weekend I hung out in gorgeous, smell-goody Santa Cruz with Tim Pratt. Tim has become a good friend to me lately, and I'm enjoying getting to know him, spending time with him. He and I seem to like many of the same things - everything from sushi (though I found it odd that I was the one ordering the slabs of raw fish while he, the true meat eater, ordered nothing but rolls) to movies to speculative fiction. Talking to him about writing and fiction has gotten my thoughts jumping on story and novel ideas. Soon I will spend a day at the computer, cranking stuff out for hours and hours. Really. I will.

Anyway, nice weekend in Santa Cruz. A lovely goodbye dinner for Tim on Tuesday night (he's in North Carolina for the rest of the month) with Marissa, Timprov and Mark (although I wasn't at my most social, I managed to get through without embarrassing myself too terribly). Things have been really quite pleasant lately.

Today I got an email from my mother telling me that my brother-in-law died quite unexpectedly Friday night. This is my half-sister, Kathy's husband, so he's not someone I was close to but I remember him being very kind to me at my father's funeral. I'm worried about Kathy, honestly; I hope she gets through this ok. Sending a card just doesn't seem like enough, but it's all I can do right now. I hate feeling helpless and far away.

Exercise log:

Did a ten minute abs class that has me wincing in pain today. I also ran for 20 minutes on the precor. I am out of shape, out of condition. This must be changed.

Writing log:

Bleah. I must write some fiction soon. Poems are just not enough for me, no matter how many or well done they are. I feel like I'm cheating when I write only poetry for too long . . .

I'm currently reading:

The Sweetheart Season by Karen Joy Fowler

Henry and June by Anais Nin

My new PO Box is:

Heather Shaw
P.O. Box 13222
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222

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