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David is familiar with my
messiness and usually doesn't comment; so now I know: it's bad. My
problem is that I live almost exclusively in my room. The rest of the
house doesn't really feel like mine; it's shared space, and I know how
sloppy I can get if I feel too "at home", so I try to keep my junk in my
own room. This is because I live with people who were, before they moved
in, strangers, and I do not assume it will not bother them. Poor Kellie,
when I lived with her, put up with my "crafty corner" in the living room
that literally flowed out into the middle of the room at times with sewing
and other craft projects. She never seemed to mind *too* much, but then
again I had the perfect weapon against a cranky Kellie: backrubs. Heh. I
think we both were comfortable with that arrangement. I wish I had
someone who lives with me to give me backrubs . . . Anyway, my
bedroom. It's at the point where the clutter is too much; I must
straighten, dust and clean or go nuts soon. I'm beginning to realize that
the Feng Shui of my room is non-existent as well; my desk is along a wall
in such a way that when someone is sitting at the desk, the bed and
bathroom - the "safe" part of the room (away from the majority of
clutter), as David calls it - is inaccessible (unless you're me and are
willing to take a giant step over the corner of the bed (and paper
recycling) and launch yourself to the other side; I'm the only one who is
really capable of performing this with any sort of accuracy and grace -
well, Holly could do it too, but what I'm saying is that this requires
dance training and an understanding of me and how I am about my things and
my space . . . ). Man, I'm rambly today! Anyway, I am currently mulling
over how I might rearrange my bedroom. I need more space for clothing. I
need a nook for my desk. I need a bigger filing cabinet (and I need to
*use* it). When I was little, I would occasionally take on the task of
rearranging my own room. When Holly was big enough to help, I sometimes
enlisted her help, but often I did it myself, pushing and pulling the
furniture (and ruining my chest of drawers eventually). It was always so
cool to go to bed that first night - everything felt different, as if I
was in a different dimension. It was an adventure, and it kept me
interested in the state of my bedroom. It usually meant I'd cleaned in
order to move everything around, too, so I had a neat, new space to play
in for awhile. I could really use that kind of change right now, I
think. It's a lot different with a Queen size bed and a narrow
room. But, well, we'll see. It'll be fun.
Henry and June by Anais Nin
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HomeFriday, May 11th, 2001 -
Living Space
Because of my recent, joyous bouts of socializing, my bedroom at home is a
mess. David came by last night to unload some of his recycling, and he
stopped and stared at the strewn piles of clothing, papers, books and
whatnot that cover all surface areas of my room right now. "Wow" he said,
"You're right: your room has exploded." Exercise log:
Nothing yesterday, really.
Writing log:
I'm currently
The Sweetheart Season by Karen Joy Fowler
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