Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Wednesday August 30th - Burn Soon
Life is insanely busy! Things that have happened, let's see. I got my iBook yesterday, bonded with her until 7 or so when I tore myself away to go to the company party. Paid too much cab fare and was offered a free ride to the East Bay if I left at 10, since that was the end of his shift. Was overwhelmed by amount of people, lost myself in dancing and red wine. Stumbled back to BART 11 blocks with Jenna and Maie, fell asleep waiting for my train, fell asleep on the train, had to pee but made myself walk home and use my own bathroom. After I peed, I passed out on my bed, waking up at 6am curled up around my iBook (I'd put it under a pillow for safekeeping . . .), hungover with my contacts glued to my eyeballs.

Work went ok - I got a free burritio. I got lots done on my iBook - I installed my extra memory all by myself, much to the admiration of the other non-techs at work (the techs were merely amused). I also got lots done on the SH bookstore - not as much as I want to do, but . . .

David met me at home and fed me and took me to pick up the rental truck. The first one was a lovely copper color, but David pointed to the rear left tire - as flat as a tire can be. After much paperwork and digging, they found me another (I was hoping to be upgraded for free after having to wait). David left after I started it, but I soon had to stop and adjust the mirror, which was wacked back. Then I couldn't get the engine restarted, and the guy came out and showed me how to start the car (I'm used to my old Olds, which uses a lot of gas to start). ANYway, it was only later that I noticed a "check engine" sticker on the keychain to the truck keys. Oh, great. Note to self: make sure you bring your AAA card.

Anyhow, I'm still packing with tons to do and no sleep. Jolly! I am curious as to what Burning Man will bring. Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be better than this.

Exercise log:

Lifted weights: back and biceps and abs. Then I got a massage. Then I danced my butt off.

Writing log:

Oh, I wish I had time to write!

I'm currently reading:

Woman: An Intimate Geography by Natalie Angier
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