Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Tuesday December 12th - Down again, down again, jiggity
My new PO Box is:

Heather Shaw
P.O. Box 13222
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222

Well, it couldn't last. I'd like to blame the full moon. Or perhaps it's the hard, sore, lump on top of my head that feeds the headache when the sinus pressure ebbs. Whatever it is, I have to remember that this, too, will pass.

The thing about therapy is that sometimes you have to remember all sorts of unpleasant things that you've forgotten on purpose, just so that you can stop your subconcious from acting on them without your say-so. Amber and I had a good session (it went so fast) last night, but this time I came out of there feeling worse than I did when I went in. I also had nasty dreams last night.

Anyway, I was told yesterday that this temp job ends Monday. I sorta teared up, but it's not nearly as bad as getting fired, so I held it together pretty well. Just as I'm getting comfy there. The engineers I've made friends with were pretty sad themselves, which was comforting; I'm glad I'm not the regular secretary coming back to their disappointment. Anyway, the engineer H insisted on taking me out to lunch on Thursday (he's off on Friday), which was sweet of him. They're all trying to convince me to try for a permanent job there, or at least ask my temp agency to try to reassign me somewhere else in the company (they use a lot of temps). They joked that they could keep giving me stuff to work on, as long as I was in the buildings, but they also said they wanted me to come visit. That's sweet.

Anyway, tonight I go to yoga, which will be relaxing, I hope. I'm probably more excited about checking my PO box (which is across the street from my gym), as a little mouse intimated there might be something there waiting for me! How exciting! All I've pulled out of it so far is my own PO box registration and someone else's hunting catalogs! Anyway, no matter how I feel, I won't be skipping yoga tonight . . . . gotta check the mail!

I actually have lots to do before I go home in a week, so there's no time for moping! Busy is as busy does . . . .

Exercise log:

I don't really exercise much on the weekends.

Writing log:

Finished the first draft of my article on Octavia Butler for Strange Horizons.

I'm currently reading:

Margaret and I by Kate Wilhelm

Woman: An Intimate Geography by Natalie Angier

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