Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Tuesday, February 1st, 2000 Out Sick
I woke up feeling just god-awful this morning. I've been fighting getting ill for the past month or so, with great sucess. Of course, I'm about to OD on vitamins, echinachea and liquids. I get looks at work for spraying the reception iMac, phones and other shared surfaces down with Lysol - but hey, I've managed not to come down with a nasty flu that Jenna (the other receptionist and friend of mine) had a few weeks ago. So, when I woke up this moring with my afternoon headache already firmly established at 7:15am, not to mention nausea and body aches, I decided it would behoove me to keep sleeping. Sleep really is the best healer I know.

The night before I'd gone to my first class of "Unix, Made Easy" at the Muster Learning Architects school (offered through UC Berkeley Extension and paid for by my company - see why I love my job?). I'm actually registered for the second section, but I was on the waiting list for this first section, and it looks (so far) like I got in. I may still get kicked out if someone decides to come to the second class when they missed the first, but after that I'm in.

Anyway, the thing about the first class was that I found the teacher to blather on a bit about things that really were not relevant to the class itself. Since we'd started so late because some people were an hour late you'd think he would've cut some of the feel-goody stuff out but no - we were looking up dates for half an hour, I kid you not. Oh, look! In 1752 we see that September was missing 12 days! (Insert irrelevant history lesson here.) Now, class, why didn't they just take these 12 days off the end of the year? (Crickets, had there been any in Berkeley in January, would've deafened us.) That's right! Xmas! (Insert bit about spring planting making the farmers complain about cutting said days out of March or April.) Who do you think complained about September? (Cue the crickets again.) Oh, come on! Think, why would people compain about September? (Me: Harvest time?) No, no no! People with September birthdays! But that's ok; the pope declared that all those people could have an extra birthday added at the end of their lives!

Yes, I'm serious, that's how class went much of last night. What a serious waste of time. I couldn't get my lab assignment done in class last night (they gave us an hour at the end of class); I am going to have to find time to come in before Wednesday's class to finish my assignment.

I know, this is terribly winding and windy for an entry. Sorry. I just wanted something resembling a complete entry for today, since I've been a little negligent towards you all lately. And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to bed. G'night.

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