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Wednesday, February 2nd, 2000 Eunuchs Made Easy
Tonight in class we learned that Unix came from a much more complicated system. When they cut it back in the mid-70's - castrated it, if you will - they decided to call it "Eunuchs". Of course, that's way too risque for our uptight American culture, so they called it "Unix". And cute computer-geek respellings were born.

My buddies and I had a good time giggling about this in class. The people in my row are very friendly, outgoing and fun-loving. We're also very slap-happy after working all day and driving to a three-hour class. The teacher was better this time, with fewer irrelevant history lessons and more drilling of the material. My buddies and I - three other guys and another woman - spent most of our time figuring out little hacker things we could do with the very rudimentary commands we were learning. I use hacker loosely, as all our little tricks - like changing someone's prompt to $ instead of %, making it look like you're in the Korn shell when you're really in the C shell (they have slightly different commands, and any Unix user should know to check processes anyway) - involve someone walking away from their computer while they're still logged on. Silliness. Towards the end of class - when we were set free to work on our homework - I changed my prompt to "What the hell do you want?", which had our goofy group rolling. They guy to my right commented that we were probably going to have to be separated. I think it's the first time back to class since college for most of us, and we're giddy with being treated like adults - real adults, not "college" adults - in a classroom setting.

I didn't take advantage of the extra hour at the end of class tonight, as I knew I was going to be in the lab all weekend anyway and I'd probably benefit more from the sleep tonight. I've been too hot all day long. Now, it was a warm day - 65 degrees and sunny, the kind of day that makes you want to go on an impromptu picnic - but I was dressed for the weather in short sleeves and a thin skirt. I get shaky and sweaty and have to lie down a lot. Earlier today I did some yoga in the lunchroom at work, and I felt much better, mainly because I ended with my favorite pose - the corpse pose - which involves lying on one's back and relaxing. Ahhh.

I hope I sleep better tonight. I had several nightmares I woke up out of last night. In one, there was a huge man dragging a screaming, fighting woman into his quarters (this was on a ship of some sort). I ran up and started punching him in the face, yelling, "Get the hell off of her, you asshole!" I started kicking him in the face (I still have a very high, very powerful kick). He grabbed my ankle and pulled me up so I was dangling by it, then used his thumb and forefinger to flick something on my spine, paralyzing me from the waist down. I woke up when he dropped me on the floor.


Speaking of nightmarish things: David sliced his knuckle open on the meat slicer today at work. I came by after work with some Hydrogen Peroxide and sympathy. I get very worked up when people I care deeply about hurt themselves in any serious way; it's something of a wake-up call about how much I care about them and don't want to see them hurting in any way. Anyway, I was trying very hard to control the overwhelming emotions I felt as I helped David dress his stiches (only 4) tonight. My heart was pounding, and I had to keep myself from holding him and rocking him and kissing his fuzzy little head - keep in mind that I'm the frantic one, David was perfectly calm the whole time. I told him I'd do anything I could to make things easier on him - y'know, the whole Florence Nightengale thing - and do you know what task I ended up doing that did him the most good? That's right - his dishes.

Mom, remember in Franklin when I was very ill and you came down and washed the entire counter full of dishes (I believe it was every dish that Kellie and I owned at that time, and we were eating out to avoid doing them and had been for weeks - ah college)? Karma comes back around, man. It's my turn now.

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