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Tuesday, February 6th, 2001 - This hurts me more than it hurts you . . .

Argh! I just finished the updates and the RSI is already coming back en force! The data entry/bookkeeping job really did a number on my right shoulder/mouse arm (Excel documents). I learned a lot at that job, but I'll have to tell you more about that another day. Let's just say I'm keeping my checkbook in Quicken now instead of in a check register with a pen and a calculator. I love the forecast feature; it's going to help me get out of debt (eventually . . . someday . . . ).

I'm also recently relieved of the stress of worrying where my next job is coming from. I just got a 3 month gig through my temp agency. I start today, so I should probably not count chickens or anything, but I'm planning on making it work, dammit. The sucky part is that it's a 45 minute commute, but at least it's the "wrong way" (away from San Francisco, so it won't be crowded). And I can take the train, probably for free. The train is my favoritist way of going to work; I can read w/out getting sick. Hell, I can even write (I wrote _Feeding Time_ on the train)! So, I'm optimistic.

I'm also writing more, sorta. In fits and starts, pushing through the pain. I wonder if working out regularly was protecting my poor shoulder . . .

Enough for now. Gotta save some shoulder for my new job! Sigh . ..

Exercise log:

Let's see, I lifted weights last Weds: chest and triceps, with a 15 min abs class and 30 min on the precor machine. That was it until Sunday, when I gardened with Curry the cat for an hour and walked over to David's (uphill, that last bit of it). Yes, I've been slacking on the exercise lately (though it looks better a week at a time like that). It seems to be directly proportional to how much I write. I hope this doesn't mean I can either be fit or be a prolific writer . . . . surely there's a way to do both!

Writing log:

Got very into a new sf story last night, but had to stop because of shooting pains from RSI.

I'm currently reading:

Bellwether by Connie Willis

Starlight 2 anthology edited by Patrick Nielsen Hayden
- this one's not as solid as I thought it would be. Some stories are awesome, but some just leave me very cold (and not in a good way). I didn't expect it to be so uneven!

Finished over the weekend:
The Snake Machine Thingie (my working title) - 1st (rough) draft by Craig Foster-Parker
It's not finished yet, but a truth about Craig's writing that was true in college proves to be still true: he's going to gross me out and disgust me to the point where I'm not sure I can agree to read the next installment. I'm just not into horror - not even *good* horror.

My new PO Box is:

Heather Shaw
P.O. Box 13222
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222

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