Cafe Rambleflower

Sunday, February 10th 2002 - Scary Sweet Sundae

Rude people and horror movies were the themes for this weekend. Friday night Tim and I watched "Ginger Snaps" and "The Twilight Zone Movie", the latter being composed of episodes I watched when they first aired in the 80's, mostly. "Ginger Snaps" was surprisingly good, though I found out the hard way that it's still a bad idea for me to try and eat during a horror movie. Eviscerated dogs. Yuck.

Saturday evening we went out to Tropix (where the food is like comfort food but spicier) followed by an early showing of "The Mothman Prophecies". The movie was like a DVD from hell, featuring the commentary of three teenagers behind us, who talked throughout the entire movie, identifying objects and noted such subtle moments as "Dude trippin'." I was filled with a white-hot anger through the emotional climax of the movie, thinking about how I'd love to gag the trio behind us. I asked near the beginning of the movie if they'd "please be quiet" and got a "my bad" from the guy I was more or less facing when I said that. The two girls obviously thought it didn't apply to them. Much later, I directed the same phrase at the girls and started a running argument among the three over whether or not I just told the girl to shut up. Argh. Sigh. I'll have to see the movie again, but I'll never know how it really hit me. I hate rude people.

However, I was still frightened enough later to wake Tim up from the couch (where he sometimes sleeps when he wants to get up early) and make him sleep beside me. I kept thinking I'd open my eyes and see the Mothman, and at least if Tim's beside me I have someone to grab onto and make him scream with me.

Today wasn't so rude or scary. I didn't get up until late morning, and then I dithered about going for a hike. Finally decided I wasn't feeling quite well enough for a hike and made it to the little urban park near Piedmont. Tim and I had sandwiches, then went to the tea bar to work. I sat down while Tim was still at the counter, and was promptly hit on by another man writing on a blueberry iBook at the next table. He stared at me strangely, after saying hi, finally coming up with "Great hat." I thanked him and looked down. Something about him bothered me, and I was glad when Tim sat back down at the table. Weird; I'm not usually so flustered by that kind of attention.

I spied Susan sitting on a bench across the street, so I left Tim in the muggy tea bar and went to chat with Susan 'till the sun went down. We rejoined Tim in the tea bar and worked until it was time to go grocery shopping. It was pleasant, kind of cozy, even, running into Susan like that. I like living near my friends.

My sister cooked while we watched the Simpsons and Malcom in the Middle (bad habit of mine). She has a neat way of making vegetarian baskets without the baskets. I'm just pleased that we're cooking, really cooking, instead of eating out or stocking up on veggie corndogs, french fries and veggie burgers. Holly likes to cook for people, too, so she's happy.

A sweet and snuggly Sunday, overall.

Exercise Log:

Shagging. Walking more than usual. Climbing logs over urban creeks.

Writing log:

Typed up "mommy story" and revised some bits, added some info dumps to the tune of 3000 words. Total. Sigh. It might be twice that when I'm done with it.

Current Publications:

"How to Suck" reprinted in From Porn to Poetry: Clean Sheets Celebrates the Erotic Mind

I'm currently reading:

Perdido Street Station by China Mieville
One of the perks of toting this book around is the very hot photo of China on the back. Yum.

Northern Gothic by Nick Mamatas
Actually, I'm still trying to figure out where Tim stashed this after we had it signed last Sunday.

Books on Tape (usually while exercising):

Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates by Tom Robbins.

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