Cafe Rambleflower

Thursday, February 14th 2002 - Love Day Leftovers

This was the best valentine's day ever. I was excited to begin with, as this is the first Valentine's day that I've actually had a boyfriend who would indulge the more romantic implications of the day. Tim and I had a lovely, romantic evening, with pears and brie and artichoke dip and presents (naughty and nice) and the house to ourselves . . . sigh. He topped off the evening with a poem that made me cry. Gods, I'm a lucky girl.

Let's see . . . since Sunday I've been in writer mode, more or less. I should apologize publically to the reader who sent me the harsh email asking for "Goat Girl"; seems I didn't quite catch the tone right, proving that if you catch me at the wrong time and rub me the wrong way, I can be a big ol' meanie. But, once we worked that out and I sent the story along, I got lovely, appreciative feedback. It's not exactly modest to admit how much I like to have people read my work and really enjoy it, but I do. We all do. And another reader asked for and read the story and liked it, too, and between their praise and Tim's diligent work habits, I was encouraged and wrote quite a bit this week. I am now working on two stories (see Writing Log). Which makes me happy, even if I'm always convinced at least one of them is terrible-terrible, at least that opinion now has two stories to rotate between, which means getting some work done little by little on each one. And I've been reading the archives on Nalo Hopkinson's newsgroup (thanks, Greg!) and am becoming very inspired to start my novel soon. It helps to see how, bit by bit, she piles words together to create the whole novel; some days she only posts a words written count of 200 or so, but it adds up. Besides, I always seem to relate to her comments on writing; it's good to hear an author I admire admit to liking the act of writing less than having written.

Hung out with David last night and had his pasta sauce (comfort food) and watched the Olympics. We watched rather a lot of the Olympics, partially because I don't get that channel (big local controversy about NBC these days; most of San Francisco's cable customers and almost everyone without cable don't get NBC since the switch) and partially because we had to have a big talk and it was easier for both of us to keep putting it off.

Eventually we did have our talk, which went far later than I expected and was far more emotional than I had expected as well. But! we worked things out. We still mean a lot to each other and we both know that again. All is well. Ah, the ups and downs of poly.

Just thought I'd be a little more thourough than usual, in honor of Love Day. (You guys do get the "Love Day" reference, don't you? As in "Don't you ruin another Love Day, Lisa!"?)

I know I'm forgetting stuff that I wanted to talk about here. I'm really sorry about the lack of entries here; I didn't mean for it to be Thursday night before I updated, but the week was busier than I thought it would be.

Gods, it's weird not to be kinda bitter on Valentine's day. I mean, I can still enjoy Pamie's Valentine's day poetry in all it's gritty, funny reality, but I find myself not quite as in tune with her as previous years . . . I'm feeling like a big ball of lovey mush.

And have I mentioned lately how very much I love Tim? Could there anything more lovely than a having a poet for a partner on Valentine's day?

Exercise Log:

Actual, real, honest-to-goodness working out! Stretching and 20min on the precor (at the Y) BOTH Monday and Wednesday. Oh yeah. I hobble.

Writing log:

Decided the halfway done mommy story sucked ass. Got all inspired by various writer types (boyfriend included most definitely) to be writing despite current state of viewing mommy story as sucky. Started new story, referred to as the body story. Am afraid it is heavy-handed and am on third rewrite (yes, already) of beginning trying to blur my message. Fear the worst. Thinking of going back and finishing mommy story now that I have perspective on how bad I can *really* write.

Current Publications:

"How to Suck" reprinted in From Porn to Poetry: Clean Sheets Celebrates the Erotic Mind

I'm currently reading:

Perdido Street Station by China Mieville
One of the perks of toting this book around is the very hot photo of China on the back. Yum. Another perk is really, really good story.

Northern Gothic by Nick Mamatas
Found book but am enthralled by PSS; will finish Nick's book soon, though.

Books on Tape (usually while exercising):

Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates by Tom Robbins.

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