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Friday, January 21st, 2000 - My Response to Missing Men
This is the response I posted in Xeney's forum about the article I linked to above. You might want to read the article first

Poor Whittle Men! I love this quote, it made me laugh outloud:

"While we must continue to support the advancement of women, we must also foster support and a climate of expectation for young men to create a society of equity.

We need to ask a critical question: Do boys learn differently from girls? If they do, what are the implications for our classrooms? How can we respond to the needs of boys and also to the needs of girls who may have a different learning style?"

This question is being asked of a society that has two different "kids" computers coming out on the market: Barbie and HotWheels. Guess which one has the math and science programs? Know what Mattel said when presented with that? They whined that the "popular Barbie programs" took up too much space on the hard drive, and something had to go! I wonder what those popular programs were? Dress Barbie for her hot date with Ken?


Beth, you really did an excellent job of addressing this idiot and his article. Jeez Louise, these guys get really fuckin' Threatened when they think they might be losing their stronghold on society, don't they? I've been reading _Promiscuities_ by Naomi Wolf (love her), which is about Female sexual coming of age in our society and throughout history. She points out that before the Industrial Revolution, women's sexuality was not only recognized, it was feared. Women were put under all sorts of ridculous religious rules regarding their sexuality, because their passions could not be trusted. Around about the Industrial Revolution, the increasing secularism and impending independence gave men cause to rethink this. To quote Ms. Wolf,

"If men were to demand liberty and equality, women, too, if not checked by a strong, new belief system to the contrary, might clamor for their own right to liberty and equality in all areas, including the sexual....Economic expansion had created a class of educated women who could enjoy the leisure that would permit them to threaten the stability of the sexual double standard....The new ideology claimed that, biologically speaking, women were far beter equipped than men to control the impulsive and carnal drive of deire."

Nice little switcharoo, that. This ideology caused women to start using "sexual purity" as their standard. Isn't that grand? They had US hold ourselves in reserve...they had US pitted against one another, eager to conform to society's expectations and eager to call another, more passionate woman, a "slut". Since they could no longer control our sexuality through religion, they simply changed biology. A fully independent, sexual woman was a threat. Much like a fully educated and independent woman can be.

I know I went from education to sex and back again, but, really, this seems frighteningly parallel to me. Men don't seem to want to give us any advantage whatsoever. "we must also foster support and a climate of expectation for young men to create a society of equity."?? He makes it sound like women have been in control. Hah! It's already set up for boys and it has been for hundreds and hundreds of years.

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