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Friday, January 21st, 2000 - Me and My Approaching Lunar Return
I know, the entries have been scarce this week. Work is busy, and I've been using my lunches for other things. My apologies.

Judith says that one's 27th birthday is one's Lunar Return - when the moon is in the same position that it was in when one was born. And, for women and their connection to the moon, this is often thought of as the official marker of womanhood. Not that I don't and haven't considered myself a woman for the pas, what, 7 years or so, but it's a neat idea. I especially like to combine this bit of trivia with the full moon lunar eclipse last night, which was really cool looking. I loved it around 9pm PST, when the moon was brownish-blood-red with a crescent of striking silver at the bottom. It just reminds you how bright the moon is, relatively speaking. How much light, the moon...

I'm really into my birthday. There was a conversation at lunch just now that sums it up quite nicely:

Susan: Where's Judith?

Krista: Errands. Me: Going to get my birthday cakes.

Krista: (giving me a look) Oh! Ok, princess! Maybe you'll get a pony, too! (chokes on a nasty thought that is evident on her face).

Me: (laughing at the obvious unspoken thought) Oh, yes! A pony ride!

All the women at that end of the table: Bwahh-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! (repeat).

Bob (the boss, sitting at the next table over):Ok, guys, you'll have to tell us what's so funny!

Me:(still laughing) Oh, it's not really funny! Bwah-ha-ha-ha!

Claudia (also at next table with Bob): Not funny. That's why they're laughing.

Ok, so it's only the "princess" part that sums up me and my birthday. I try to control this part of my personality throughout the year, but around my birthday, I let myself get very "me" centered. If someone important to me forgets my birthday, or if *everyone* forgets my birthday, I get very sullen and upset. No, it ain't pretty. But, well, it's only once a year that I get to be special for no reason other than my date of birth, and I guess I consider it my due. I like to have a party or event of some sort to commemorate, so I can gather my friends around me and remind myself how lucky I am to have such wonderful, caring people in my life who like me for me. I suffer from low self-esteem much of the year, so I don't think it's so bad for me to glory in me once annually.

One thing I've always wanted, and have never gotten, is a surprise party. There was one year in high school when our group of friends threw surprise parties for everyone - but me. For some reason, my birthday was the only one that was skipped. I felt awful, but what are you gonna do in that situation, huh? Demanding a surprise party misses the point. Anyway, I think that's why I always have my own party nowadays, just to make sure I'm not home alone sulking on my "big day". An ounce of prevention...

Really, just an ounce will do nicely.

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