Cafe Rambleflower

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2002 - The Brotherhood of Bread Sticks

Ah, the second day at Cafe Rambleflower and the staff (me) is exhausted! I keep thinking up tweaks to do to the main page or general layout that will takes hours if I start on them . . . I'm keeping a list; this weekend, I'll take a stab at some of them. For now, I write an entry.

I'm going to write about the holidays as I think about it, instead of going chronologically and losing steam halfway through. Tonight, I'll tell you about seeing Kellie (and, eventually, Brian).

Kellie and I had settled on Boxing Day to meet over the holidays. Though her email had warned that Brian would be in Cincinnati that day, I had not realized that it meant that night as well. We ended up sticking around late enough that we got to see Brian, so all was well.

On our way to Kellie & Brian's, I drove around Franklin College so Tim could see where I went to school. There's a new Fine Arts Center that sits rather awkwardly on a piece of land that used to have the best big trees on campus. I hear the facilities are astounding; Kellie's description of the costume constuction workshop (with plugs that can be pulled down from the ceiling and big tables and the most wonderful sewing machines!) made me drool. Makeup rooms with ample mirror and drawer space (actors get assigned their own locking drawers), a real wardrobe, fly space, 45% angles on the lights (never could get it in old Custer Theatre), all these wonderful delights that we suffered without! I'm very glad Franklin finally got a decent arts facility (I haven't even gone into the art and music spaces), but I miss the trees. I wish there had been a better spot for it.

Ah, well, it was all more interesting to me than Tim anyway. Provence Park was closed for the winter, so I couldn't even show him the prettiest part of Franklin.

We met at Kellie's and went out to Noble Roman's, the old pizza place where she and I worked during the last year and a half I lived in Franklin. I get so I crave Noble Roman's breadsticks (with cheese, garlic butter, tomato and ranch dip); the combination of the fresh dough with the yummy dips makes for some very comforting eating. Of course, my old boss Doug tells me "it's the drugs we put in 'em; you're just hooked". It was good to get to see Doug at work, especially since a few nights later I found out his last night was that weekend; he has sold the store. I had just been telling Tim how generations of kids have been "raised" by Doug in that store; he was the best, kindest, most nuturing boss I've ever had. I'll miss seeing him once a year at Noble's.

It was great to see Kellie. Phone calls and email (not that I'm that regular with either) don't give you the time to just sit and talk, you know? It's nice to get to appreciate my old friends anew each year, remember even more cool things about them that I'd forgotten about. She and Brian make such a striking couple; she's lovely and very fair: pale skin, blue eyes and light blond hair; he's handsome, with dark eyes that match his dark brown hair (now in shoulder-length!) that are striking against his red winter coat. (coughwearmorejeweltonescough).

Ah, look at me waxing poetic about my friends. Really, they look good. They're fun, too; there's a certain way of talking I can only do with the two of them, and it's the kind that feels wrong without flossing my teeth at the same time.

There was a moment during the evening that I started to rant about something, and Tim stepped in to cool me down ("So you'll get to sleep tonight and not have stress nightmares.") Brian laughed and said to Kellie (or perhaps it was vice-versa), "Hey, he really does know Heather!" "Yes," the other said, "he has good technique."

Hm, well, perhaps you had to be there.

As we were driving back from Franklin that night (near 2am), Tim said to me, "Kellie and Brian make living in the Midwest seem cool." "Yeah," I said, "I know the feeling."

Exercise log:

Stretching and 20 min of precor at the Y tonight with Tim. Counting dildos for hours at work (inventory day).

Writing log:

Lots of rejections: F&SF, Realms of Fantasy, Hayden's Ferry Review. Also a note from Zoetrope telling me to resubmit after they move their office. Sigh.

I'm currently reading:

Buddy Holly is Alive and Well on Ganymede by Brad Denton

The Strange Adventures of Rangergirl by Tim Pratt

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