Cafe Rambleflower

Friday, January 4th, 2002 - Shawberry Shortcake drizzled with Rambleflower

The story behind Cafe Rambleflower stems from a pet name Tim had for me near the beginning of our relationship. We were living an hour and a half apart, so we relied on email for most of our communication. I tend to go on in emails sometimes, especially during the beginning of a relationship, and I also tend to apologize for this habit occasionally. Tim told me he didn't mind, that I was his rambleflower. To him, it was an endearing quality.

These days he likes to call me "Shawberry", though rambleflower comes up when I'm prattling on about something for a particularly long time. Both pet names are said sweetly, sometimes sung enthusiastically (which only bugs me in public) by my boyfriend.

Anyway, the Cafe part came from the Espresso machine Tim gave me for Xmas this year. This was my big gift, and he completely surprised me with it. I'm already getting spoiled, being able to make lattes in my home. I joked that we should have writer's salons and serve cappucinos and call it the Rambleflower Cafe.

The phrase stuck with me, and I thought of it while trying to decide what to do about my journal. I could call it Cafe Rambleflower, and do the main page with a menu theme. It got me pretty excited, thinking about the redesign, and I sat down on New Year's Day to do the coding. All the code is done by hand, except for the parts I cut and pasted from older code I'd written by hand.

The flower logo is from a doodle ripped off a scratch pad at Caffe Strada and saved because I liked the way the flower looked and couldn't bear to toss it. It was thumbtacked to the board above my desk, and I had to tape it to a bigger piece of paper to run it through my scanner. I cleaned it up and colored it in photoshop and added the name (which is cut from an alphabet template, letter by letter).

Anyway, wasn't meaning to give a blow-by-blow of my page buidling.

So, voila, Cafe Rambleflower. Make yourself at home and place your orders at the counter, please. Have a good time.

Exercise log:

Stretched 20 min and ran 20 min on the precor at the Y with Tim. Had a nice, long steam after. Mmm.

Writing log:

I'm currently reading:

Starlight 1 edited by Patrick Nielsen Hayden

The Strange Adventures of Rangergirl by Tim Pratt

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