Cafe Rambleflower

Monday, January 7th, 2002 - Friendship in Red Sauce

In general, it was a pretty good weekend. The ending was especially satisfying, as I got to hang out with friends, eat good food and play some Diablo II. Everyone else is playing the Sims in journal-land, or so it seems, but I'm sticking with my more recent computer game obsession. For now.

So, late on Sunday afternoon I headed over to Susan's to help her join the ranks of the psuedo-redheads. At least, I was only supposed to help, but when it was discovered that I have a system and have been dyeing my own hair for, gods, 14 years now?, I was drafted into full service.

As I was parting her hair and making sure to get all the roots fully covered, Susan and I chatted about our mothers and their habit of bleaching their hair blonde. It made me wonder if maybe, for our generation, dyeing your hair red is like dyeing your hair blonde was in the 60's. You know, the fashionable thing to do. We certainly have it easier; there's not the horrid bleaching step in going red, and the damage to the hair is much less.

This has been your very-short journal entry for the day. Let's see if I can get it linked up and ready for work on time. Cheers!

Exercise log:

Stretched and did a few situps and 20 min on the precor at the Y. I went by myself, because I'm just that dedicated. Whoo!

Writing log:

Sent out "Feeding Time" and "Janitor's Night Dive". Have two story ideas.

I'm currently reading:

Starlight 1 edited by Patrick Nielsen Hayden

The Strange Adventures of Rangergirl by Tim Pratt

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