Cafe Rambleflower

Wednesday, January 9th, 2002 - Juicy Buffy Dish

Found out this morning that Jack gave his two weeks notice today. That means his last day will be on my birthday. It bums me out that Jack is leaving work, and when I told him this he said "thank you, it's nice of you to be bummed out." You gotta understand that I work with the coolest people, and I've been really digging the way everyone gets along at work. It's like we're hanging out while working hard together, and I swear it's *fun* a lot of the time. We all laugh alot. I'd be bummed about any one of them leaving, but Jack's one of my favorites. He's just this cool mix of nice guy with a rather dangerous look to him. And he knows lots of cool stuff about several different SF scenes, but he's very laid-back about it. One hell of an interesting guy.

I hope they hire another Buffy fan; only one person right now in the office isn't a fan, doesn't take part in the Wednesday morning Buffy dish. The current office theory on this season is that when Buffy came back from the dead, only the slayer part came back. That's why she's comfy with Spike, disinterested in the everyday human world. I hope they keep her that way; I love me some naked James Marsters. His acting was particularly impressive last night - any man that can fuck air like that and make me see the woman beneath him can have me any day of the week. It was a fun episode; there were cool tricks with the camera, too, dramatic pans to invisible faces. Groovy.

Tim, my love, is clamoring for the internet connection. Sigh. Ok, really, we need DSL. This is ridiculous.

Off to do other things! Ta!

Exercise log:

Stretched and did 100 situps; skipped the precor for very light weightlifting, chest and biceps.

Writing log:

Have two starts, one a resonably short story and the other that looks like it's going to be at least a novella, if not novellette, in length. Have another solid story idea on around a scene that I wrote over a year ago. The writing bug bit all of the sudden; it does that occasionally.