Cafe Rambleflower

Wednesday, January 16th, 2002 - Cranky Chicken Soup

Figured I should check in here and let y'all know how I am. I am tired. I think I'm dehydrated, but water tastes bad to me. I am almost definitely getting sick. I am having nightmares almost every night; nightmares so bad I'm afraid to go to sleep, even though I'm now running a serious deficet. I'd tell you more about my nightmares, but they might go into the story I'm writing, and I get protective about stories until they're fully written, so, you know.

I still love my job, but this week it's hard to do. It doesn't help that there is no central heating (not to mention the California habit of not insulating buildings) and my space heater kicks on and off during the day. I am literally huddled in front of the heater, too cold to do more than basic order entry; I need fingerless gloves. Getting a cold makes the place seem chillier, too. On an up note, one of my reviews (for Animal Trainer 5) is up; seriously don't go reading that at work, though. Or if you're my mother, or easily squicked by rough sex or that sort of thing. In fact, I'm not even linking it; if you're that curious, go to and find it yourself.

Oh, see now? I'm cranky. That's one of the side effects of lack of sleep due to night terrors.

So, a few announcements, then I'll grumble off to bed and leave you nice people alone for a day or so, ok? First, of course, as most of you have already heard: Tim not only has become the editor of Star*Line (which is the journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association; a very prestigious gig and one that will do a lot of good for his career), but he also sold a story, sorry, a novelette to Realms of Fantasy (which is one of the four pro magazines you really, *really* want to sell to if you write Fantasy or Science Fiction (the others being Asimov's, Fantasy & Science Fiction & Analog; personally, Strange Horizons isn't much futher down the list, but that's just because I think they're the hip, cool new market. Check out this article in Asimov's with major quotes from Jed)).

Ok, getting carried away with my asides. Must sleep soon.

Anyway, I'm extremely proud of Tim. It's amazing. The fact that he sold a novelette sort of indicates that he didn't just slip this one in; she must've really liked it to give him that much space as a relative unknown. Oh, this is good.

Oh, and I wanted to thank Hillary for giving our chapbook, Living Together in Mythic Times such a warm review. I'm so glad it made you smile, Hillary; reading that in your journal made *me* smile, despite the cold.

Exercise log:

Since Sunday? Not too much.

Writing log:

My "mommy" story is getting written in half-hour bursts, scene by scene, on my BART commute.

Current Publications:

"How to Suck" reprinted in From Porn to Poetry: Clean Sheets Celebrates the Erotic Mind

I'm currently reading:

Dangerous Angels: The Weetzie Bat Books by Francesca Lia Block

Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson

The Strange Adventures of Rangergirl by Tim Pratt

Books on Tape (usually while exercising):

Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates by Tom Robbins.

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