Cafe Rambleflower

Monday, January 20th, 2003 - Almost ripe

Welcome to Birthday Week. This is the biggest birthday week of this journal's history, actually, since these are the last three days of my 20's. Yup, that's right, on Thursday, January 23rd, I'm going to turn 30. Talking about this with sweet Susan last week, she commented, "I think it'll be cool to turn 30." to which I replied that that was exactly how I felt at her age (26). It's not so fun when it's staring you in the face . . .

I will have a party, actually, I just haven't had the time or the health to start really planning it yet. I wanted to have a party the 25th, but between my cousin Peter's baby shower (he just adopted another child! An adorable 1-year-old named Trevon) and Sherman's wedding the next morning, it's impossible. So, it's looking like I'll have to do it several weeks after the actual date, much like last year. I'm just hoping I'm not super-sick again this time.

So, I just got an email that almost made my heart stop beating. It was from Ellen Datlow and the subject line had the title of the story I had sent to her for consideration, "When We Were Twelve". Other writers will know that rejections come via your SASE; an email is the way they accept you. Alas, this was the email she sent me:

"Dear Heather,
Good story. If Terri and I were doing another adult fairy tale antho I'd want to consider it. However, we aren't and I really don't feel it's right for SCIFICTION. Sorry. Good luck selling it and I look forward to your next.

By the way, the only reason I'm responding by email is that my regular laptop is on the fritz and the travel laptop I'm using isn't hooked up to my printer.

Man, so close! But, well, I actually believe her now when she says she's looking forward to my next. And, while it's bittersweet, it's a good rejection. And it has literally made my day.

One last thing, for those of you interested in really rough porn, my review of Fahionistas is up on the main page over at Blowfish. That links directly to our main catalog, so don't go if you're under 18, at work, easily offended by sexually explicit materials, or my mother.

That's it for now. I'm posting a second entry full of random pictures, for those of you with bandwidth and time (or both).

Let's talk about rejections.

Exercise Log:

Going to start lifting weights (besides Aleister) any day now. Really.

Writing log:

An awesome rejection from Ellen Datlow over at SciFiction. See entry for details!

Current Publications:

"Wetting the Bed" and a collab with Tim Pratt, "A Serious Case of Fairies" in Floodwater

In the Shade of You nominated in the long poem category for the Rhysling and will be reprinted in the 2002 Rhysling Anthology!

"How to Suck" reprinted in From Porn to Poetry: Clean Sheets Celebrates the Erotic Mind

I've been reading:

Currently Reading:

Mort by Terry Pratchett

Donate money to my teeth, my grad school application fees, our writerly projects (Floodwater and Flytrap!). Every little bit helps!

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