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Wednesday, July 5th -
What a weekend!

Saturday morning I woke up too early - around 7am. After several hours of trying to get back to sleep, I finally succeeded somewhere around 9:30am - only to be woken up again by Ian calling me at 10am.

Note (and this is very important): NEVER CALL HEATHER BEFORE NOON ON A WEEKEND MORNING!!!

Anyhow, Ian was calling to see if I wanted to go camping with him, Elle and Leo at the Red, White and Blue Beach that evening. Karen and Aron and Carol and Jodi were supposed to come along too. It sounded like fun, so I agreed to go. We were to meet at their house at 1pm.

Around 4pm, Ian, Elle and Leo and I left, having been unable to get ahold of the other 4 people. Of course, packing up took most of that time anyway . . .

I was so glad I went. The drive down highway 1 was gorgeous - rocky cliffs with the ocean breaking against them far down below, rolling countryside . . . We didn't have the best campsite - we were sorta wedged in behind an RV and had no picnic table or campfire - but that was ok, as there was a main camp where everyone was gathered. We joined in the potluck, then headed back to put on warm clothes for the fireworks out on the beach.

Exercise log:

Camping. Bodysurfing in VERY cold water. Walking along the beach, into a strong wind. Gardening.

Writing log:

I have two great new story ideas - both of which are sci-fi/speculative fiction in genre, feminist in nature. One of them is in the style of Sheckley. I'm excited, now I must write them.

I'm currently reading:

Store of Infinity by Robert Sheckley
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