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Friday, July 7th - "I've got a crush on you . . . sweetie pie . . . all the day and nighttime . . "
I'm sorry I've been so lax with these entries. I have a really good story about last weekend, which I sorta started in my July 5th entry, but have yet to get to the good part. Then it got twisted and put into a SF story that I started yesterday. And I'm all excited about my old cat story but I sit down and start yet ANOTHER speculative fiction story - I have too many ideas and not enough discipline! My kingdom for some focus!

What kingdom? Good question.

I got a weird email this morning from The Spark with the subject line: "Someone *you know* likes you!". It seems they have this service where you sign up and list emails of people you like and they'll send those folks a note letting them know *someone they know* likes them. Then they can go and sign up and list emails of people *they* would like to hang with, and if you happen to list the same person who sent you the email, then they let you both know that.

Now, my coworkers that I showed this to had the "how junior high!" reaction, which I understand but don't quite agree with. There is something exciting about being a grownup and getting an annoymous note from a secret admirer; who says we have to be serious about crushes, just because we're over 21? Adults don't giggle enough, that's what I say!

Anyhow, I was comforted by the wording on the site:

"So if you match, it means the person who listed you thinks you're cool. That's it. The best results come when you list a mix of friends you like and others you want to know better."

I'm all into friends right now; I've been failing miserably at any sort of dating attempt (wait 'till you hear the story from last weekend, and you'll see more clearly what I mean), but my friendships seem more solid as a result.

Of course, the temptation here is to list everyone I *think* it could be, just to see who it was. That's not quite fair, I suppose. There's only one person I think I would be happy dating right now, and I've already confirmed with that person that that's not going to happen (read: I was rejected and am licking my wounds like a wounded puppy and not willing to trust anyone else just yet). But I suppose if I make it clear that this is just a "get to know you better/become better friends thing" then it would be cool to hang out with someone new . . .

Why do I babble about this so much here? Because this email from TheSpark came to my address, which is the one I list here on my webpage. I suppose this is my way of letting him or her know that if they get a match with me, this is where my boundaries lie. But there are several of you with whom I wouldn't mind going for coffee and chatting for awhile, so I'm gonna go ahead and make a list . . . I think.

Exercise log:

Lifted weights both Wednesday and Thursday nights: Chest, triceps, back, biceps and abs.

Writing log:

Wrote 2000 words of a new sf story. Then I found out my instructor really really liked my first story (cat story), so I think I'll go back and finish that one first. I think.

I'm currently reading:

Store of Infinity by Robert Sheckley
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