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Monday, July 10th - Yeah, but where's the Sex and Drugs?
Jeez, I'm tired today! I think my sleep cycles are all messed up from the holiday weekend last week . . . that and the fact that I napped most of Saturday evening, only to stay up until 5am Saturday night! Party girl . . .

Friday night, David and I went to see the A's play the Arizona Diamond Backs (baseball). Fun, even if the game went 4 hours, even if the man next to me was LOUD and boorish and invading my precious little personal space (the topper was when he apologized to his companion for not "being very talkative" that night!), even if David got miffed at me but wouldn't tell me why until well AFTER the game, even if I couldn't find the latte stand (which was right across from our aisle) until I didn't have enough money for a decaf latte. I still got excited when we won with a homerun in the bottom of the 11th inning; baseball is a beautiful game, really. They just need to give us bigger seats.

Saturday David and I gardened. Well, David did most of the gardening, to be perfectly honest. I was just not feeling up to it - that dizzy in the sun thing again. After he left I napped. I woke up, went for Vietnamese take-out (Lemon-grass tofu . . . drooool), came back, ate, then napped again. Oh! It was bliss to sleep and sleep like that! And it was just the thing when one is going to a show that starts at midnight.

I wandered over to Ian and Elle's house around 10pm with a bottle of wine. There I met up with Ian, Elle, Leo as well as Sherman, Jeff and Jim (Jim was visiting from Santa Barbara, where he recently moved for a job teaching college theatre - how cool is that?). I wish I could weave those folks into a quilt that I could wrap around me when I need to feel cozy; I wish I'd gone over earlier, it was so fun just hanging out with folks. I MUST visit/hang out with more people more often! I am more social than I like to admit.

We left for the show after consuming some wine (or coffee, for those who hadn't napped all night as I did). The venue was cool: a large warehouse, filled with people in every sort of imaginable costume or get-up, with flaming metal sculptures in the courtyard (industrial, razor-wire-edged courtyard). My favorite sculpture was the giant flaming heart - the only sculpture powered by wood instead of gas (how appropriate). (I'm a little "bitter-kitty" about love these days.) Honestly, it was a little like a mini-Burning Man, with all the cool parts collected in one spot and none of the yahoo's that ruin BM for everyone.

Anyway, the show we were there to see was Lumin, and unfortunately they had major sound problems. I wanted to cry for them, I was so nervous and wanted them to be as good as they were last time. Oh, you could still tell how skilled they were, but the computer-tracks overwhelmed the live instruments, and there were feedback problems and such. They also got cut off after their third song, as it had taken so long for them to get the sound going when they set up. So sad.

Jim and I stayed and watched the belly dancers who went on afterwards for a bit, then he took off to go flirt. I managed to find a nice spot in the courtyard - away from this wild marching band (mostly drums with "cheerleaders" who were wearing: combat boots, black-and-white striped tights, men's tighty-whities, black bustiers that may or may not cover the boobs of the wearer (w/red sequins), red yarn pony-tails and pith helmets). They, of course, marched through the courtyard soon after I escaped there (I waited them out, and they left again). I had finally struck up a conversation with the drummer for the belly dancers I'd seen earlier (I'm sometimes very bad about striking up conversations at large parties - often I just observe) and was just thinking about flirting, when Jeff came up. My new drummer friend and Jeff ended up in a long conversation about Middle Eastern Music, and I ended up wishing I was involved with dancing or theatre or SOMETHING performancy (it's ridiculous that I've been out here over 3 years and have yet to hook up a performance gig, considering how much I dig that sort of thing). Anyhow, Jeff gave me a ride back around 4:30am, where we woke up Jim (sleeping on the couch at Ian and Elle's) who was incredibly good-natured about it ("Oh, it's ok . . . I was just - sleeping."). I gave Jim a hug good-bye (he's going back to Santa Barbara) and realized I would miss him (very funny character, though you wouldn't know it by the lack of description I've put here, huh?). I went home and did some email (I was still wired) and finally went to bed after 5am.

There's something very satisfying about staying out late. It makes me feel not so lame.

Yesterday I got lots of errandy stuff done (after waking up around 1pm), then went over to David's where we made pizza (yummmmmmy) and watched the Simpsons. It was a very pleasant evening for David and I - which is slowly becoming more the norm (as opposed to the snafu/misunderstanding at the baseball game Friday night).

So, that was my weekend. I'm on my second latte today, wondering if I'm gonna make it through (I will, but I like to be fatalistic sometimes). I'm hoping to work-out tonight, come home, cook, and write. And I'll bet that last one is the one that gets put off. Grrr.

Exercise log:

Writing log:

Figured out the end of the Cat story while showering and noted it. Have yet to actually write it - maybe tonight.

I'm currently reading:

Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand by Samuel R. Delany
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