Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Wednesday, July 12th - Routine
I'm sorry I've been a little lax in these entries lately. It's just that nothing is very exciting right now. I was pleased by the calm, productive nature of Monday night, when I worked out satisfyingly hard after work, came home, made dinner, ate while making notes on my story, sat down to work on my story, called David to celebrate working on my story (little rewards work sometimes) and went to bed at a reasonable hour.

Last night was much the same (with yoga instead of weight lifting and adding an hour of Buffy rerun), but I found it much less satisfying. Boring is a good word for it. I was also achey, stiff and headachy. I am woman, hear me whine!

I should pick a topic and write on it, I suppose, but I'm not feeling up to it. Maybe later on today . . .

So, I was so bored by lunch today that I didn't even feel like eating. I got in my car, started driving, and ended up near enough the YMCA that I decided to go work out.

Remember last time, when I forgot my shoes? This time, I forgot my shirt.

Luckily, there's a women's-only weight room at the Y, so I put my jacket on and headed up the stairs. I did my workout (legs) with only my bike shorts and a jog bra on; thank goodness it was in the middle of the day when there's only snotty highschool girls around; at least I had my headset so I didn't actually *hear* the sniggering.

But, well, I'm proud of myself, I guess. I didn't bail on the work-out, but went ahead and got over my self-consciousness over my flab. Ok, so I was embarrased the whole time, but I did it. That's the important thing.

And now I'll leave you all in peace again.

Exercise log:

Lifted weights: shoulders, sides, calves and abs. Lots of abs. I also did 20 minutes uphill on the treadmill. Wheee!

Tuesday night: yoga. I was very stiff and sore, especially from the twisties I did the night before for my sides.

Writing log:

Sat down and wrote another 760 words of my cat story, not to mention all my notes on how I'm going to end it. I feel a little like I'm just writing to finish the damn thing, but, as David pointed out, at least then I'll have something down to work with.

Update: finished the story by writing another 1013 words at lunch today, for a grand total (right now) of 3870 (maybe one of my longest stories ever). I expect it to get much longer as I flesh out some of these scenes, but for now - I'm done! I'm done!

I'm currently reading:

Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand by Samuel R. Delany
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